Because of my early series of articles…. long before Wuhan was a “thing”, people have continued to reach out and share info, or ask my opinion on things. I’m going to share a recent partial response I just PM’d someone which sums up my position.
I am currently ignoring the entire Wuhan/Covid situation as it doesn’t directly impact me personally anymore, and because the stupidity of Societal Hysteria makes intelligent sharing of actual Facts impossible, and therefore a waste of time. What is going to happen is going to happen, including all the secondary consequences. None of it will be a surprise to me.
My family has now already fully been exposed to Covid, and having been through it once, I believe that future infections will be easier to shake off. I am rather high risk, and the entire event was similar to perhaps the most minor influenza I have ever had. I do suggest that high risk persons take the issue seriously however, and can tell by what I went through (and the research data) that if not treated early, or if exposure involves extremely high viral load – this could be seriously complicating or life threatening to some groups. With that said, I followed, and still follow, my prophylactic regimen (Quercetin + Zinc) primarily to keep Zinc Levels elevated, along with basic supplements of Vit C, D, A. (Detailed in my PART 3 Wuhan Article). And it works – because the science is pretty clear and simple on how to stop the virus from replicating.
I believe the situation this Winter will most likely be dire in that environmental viral load levels will be much MUCH higher in the cold weather, and initial southern hemisphere data with Covid cases is indicating that this thing will thrive at peak levels in winter – so it will get worse in a 2nd wave. I see the actual health level spread that is going on now to be of trivial level importance compared to what is coming (also data increasingly suggests that we might get a catastrophic Novel Influenze out of China also).
My position on public response is that I am against slowing the spread via public closures, business closures and public school affecting measures. I think high risk people should be either taking basic precautions, or prophylacting. But younger folks should be going about their business and allowing the virus to naturally increase in the herd. It is the way God made the natural process. With that said, I would take general precautions to keep exposures to low viral load levels. I am especially in favor of a wide open society now in the hot and humid summer – because environmentally, these two factors (heat & humidity) are like Mother Nature’s very own masks, which keeps Viral Loads lower. Take advantage of it now – because once Cold Weather comes, if we still have this sort of spread amongst people that have never been exposed – there will be a problem, because environmental loads will be MUCH higher, and therefore illness levels higher, and consequently hospitalizations, and deaths. So MY position is that I think the more spread the merrier during the summer months – BUT take precautions if you are high risk.
With all of that said, none of the science has changed since my PART 3 Wuhan Article. My PART 1 Wuhan Article written in mid January still also holds up today as factual, and indeed they are still even now only releasing data and claims that was once mocked, and now proving correct – such as inside spread through aerosolized ventilation and the need for increased filtration and uv disenfection of central ducts. My comments on Masks, at the very beginning and end of the PART 1 Article are still spot on and I see no need to change or edit them. My position is that almost every single thing that the general citizenry need to be know about the disease can be found in that article series.
There is one hazard edit I will throw out, that being aerosolized farts / poop which are heavily concentrated in public restrooms as a MAJOR Spread Vector. I tell anyone that cares to listen that going into a public bathroom is probably the most dangerous thing a person can do in relation to this virus.
I am considering an article on the upcoming vaccines, which I will not be taking, and would not be reccomending – from the standpoint that they will (1) be of extremely limited effectiveness (based on actual historical and available data – again, ACTUAL DATA IN SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, not the slanted out-of-context BS Media Reports made by Big Pharma heads pumping their stock prices) (2) are experimental and rushed in nature and that rarely ends well in round 1 attempts of vaccine history (an example is the rushed, and disastrous H1N1 2009 Vaccine that severely increased illness in many) (3) some of these vaccine candidates are DNA altering vaccines at the Haploid level, which means they create Permanent Genetic changes in the humans that receive them, which are transferable to future children. aka creating GMO People (permanent, inheritable DNA changes to the species based on rushed science – what could possibly go wrong!! LOL). (4) Lastly, I think that altering the initial, natural herd response midstream via a vaccine is going to trigger a bad Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) event, something I have also roughly written about in the past. All my health articles are at the LINK referenced at beginning of this post, and future health articles will be in that section as well.
I will make one caveat to the PART 2 Wuhan article. Some people tell me I was wrong in my death rate predictions. My response is that they did go up, and I think that as this moves into fall/winter they will again go up. In Southern Hemisphere (now in winter) poorer countries like South Africa, they are already seeing huge spikes. The one I am really watching is Australia – it is exponentially increasing, but still low. Australia and South Africa are sort of bell-weather countries to see how seasonal cold weather effects any given virus. So this isn’t over. When I wrote PART 2 the death rate was at 2%. I think now globally it is around 4% (it actually has come down some as a better understanding of treatments develop). The other factor is that Global Healthcare did not collapse. The reason for that is simply that the intelligent majority of medical staff are prophylacting with Zinc Elevation through things such as Quercetin or HydroxyChloroquine + Zinc. Another combination that works well is EGCG + Zinc.
Anyway, for anyone curious – that’s my update. Nothing has really changed except that very few listened, and the world got more hysterical. Enjoy the Chaos! It only gets worse.
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
Disclaimer: I am not a Medical professional, and none of this is to be considered medical advice. As part of my publishing activities, I have been an active Medical Researcher since 2002, specifically but not exclusively focusing on SARS, H5N1, H1N1, H7N9, MERS, and now this new Wuhan/Covid19 Virus. I have kept up with research on these topics over the past 18 years, and routinely pour over extensive studies and research papers and maintain access to various data sources that average people normally do not.
Edit Insert: After writing this, I actually just wrote a “Part 5” installment, being released at the same time. NOW, I am officially ignoring this topic again for a while. If they get serious about a Vaccine, I may go into some more details about that. My biggest concern now is that something much worse than Covid is coming, and no one is paying attention.
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