WUHAN: Public Letter of Warning From a Global Healthcare Professional (Pt 8)

EXERPT FROM LETTER: “As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19-pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough. ” […]


WUHAN: On Vaccines and Mutation Strains (Pt 7)

People I have talked with are scared, confused, and skeptical of news media and public health advisories.  Considering the history of misinformation in the pandemic, this is a very reasonable reaction.  The following article is NOT given as medical advice, but is simply a review of scientific facts…. […]


WUHAN: The Winter Wave (Pt 6)

People have become complacent regarding Wuhan (Covid-19) due to the low hospitalization & death rates seen during the past few months.  Mother Nature had put her protective mask over the people, as she does every year during the warmer months. But Mother nature is taking off her protective mask as we head into Winter.  Wuhan is Coming Back, harder and more deadly than before.  This article serves as a refresher course for what to think about, and be prepared for. […]


BIG CANOE, GA: “Wuhan Coronavirus” – Simple, Poor Man’s Treatment Option??? (Part 3)

In this article I will begin by discussing the proposed Chloroquine Treatment that President Trump is fond of. Then I am going to throw out my personal treatment plan, backed up with the **science, studies and data** – showing that it acts in many ways in similar manner to Chloroquine, but is composed of cheap, easily accesible, over-the-counter items. […]


BIG CANOE, GA: “WUHAN-CoV”, Chinese Coronavirus – Information and Perspectives Not Being Shared (Part 2)

In this update I am going to share some information, and provide some perspective, regarding what the true death rates of this plague are, and some of the most affected populations, and what impact it is going to have. We are going to start by analyzing the chart of Cases and Deaths from the last few weeks, which is the attached chart… […]


BIG CANOE, GA: What you need to know about “WUHAN-CoV”, Chinese Coronavirus – and what they aren’t telling you (Part 1)

PERSONAL BACKGROUND: I was one of the 1st US Bloggers back in the early 2000’s covering the original SARS Outbreak. I followed SARS, then H5N1, H1N1, MERS, and more recently the H7n9 viruses. I recently started watching this Chinese 2019-NCoV Virus a month ago. Based on years of research, I have become concerned that important information is NOT being publicly communicated as clearly as it should be. This article attempts to provide some perspective on certain aspects of the developing situation. […]


ORIGINAL ANTIGENIC SIN (OAS): Why this Year’s Flu Vaccine Could Make You Sicker (Part 1 of the Vaccine Series)

SUMMARY: Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) is a well researched concept dating back to the 1950’s.  When a vaccine is mismatched with the virus it is supposed to target there can be 3 possible outcomes: Neutral (No Impact); Good (Limited Protection); or BAD (Original Antigenic Sin).  OAS can trigger a situation in which the body is tricked into delaying it’s defense mechanism, resulting in much more severe infection, increased risk for hospitalization & death. […]