Intro: This writer has been a researcher on the front lines of H5N1 (Avian Inf) /SARS (Covid) since they first appeared over 20 years ago. I began writing and warning people that Wuhan Flu (that is what I called it as it had not yet been named “Covid”) was spreading back in an article in mid January 2020, before Andy Fauci’s emails, and almost 2 months before anyone in the Media or Govt was talking about it. Now I am providing a heads up on H5N1. It is here, has gotten some new mutations, and is beginning to increase in Human to Human transmission. As I have warned for years…. Covid will be seen as a Joke compared to H5N1. I’m keeping this one relatively short with all the info you really need, and then you are on your own. Please share this article as widely as you can. It will save lives. Your choice.
H5N1 (like Covid) is a PH-Dependent, RNA Replicase Virus. From a scientific standpoint, that is all any real medical professional needs to know. Remember that phrase. Look it up. It unlocks so much information and understanding regarding the prevention of annual Influenzas, Coronavirus, even the newly emerging Monkeypox virus.
PH-Dependent means that it needs Acidic Intracellular fluid (under 6+/- PH on average) to be able to achieve Endocytosis (which means entry into one of your cells). It has to get into your cells in order to replicate (make baby viruses) which then releases these baby virus into your body, and the multiplication and replication of this invading army begins. If you get behind the curve, you die (more on the people at highest risk farther down).
RNA Replicase is how the virus actually replicates (makes baby viruses). RNA Replicase is the process by which the virus hijaaks your own RNA inside your cells, and tricks it into making Virus Babies, instead of new human cells. High levels of Zinc inside your cells shuts down this RNA Replicase Hijaaking dead in it’s tracks.
Fighting PH-Dependency involves raising your intracellular fluid PH Levels. Easiest and fastest way to do this is with Baking Soda. Our modern diet (sugar, high carbs, etc) have tended towards more acidic levels. Changing your diet to foods and drinks that promote a higher PH will help. But understand that changing your overall body PH is a long, slow process that must be worked at – however high PH (alkaline) Water supplements & Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda) can increase PH levels rapidly. (Ref 1) (Ref 2) (Ref 3) (Ref 4) .
NOTE: There is a historical series of accounts that supports Baking Soda achieving success in the fight against flu. During the 1918 Influneza Outbreak some accounts showed that drinking bicarbonate of soda mixtures showed dramatic increases in resistance & recovery, and now we know that there is actual science behind it. This link has some mixture instructions from the early 19th Century that was claimed to work, and seems quite reasonable. I do NOT overdo it, nor is this a long term treatment, and I make sure I have an aluminum free brand. The salts in Bicarbonate of Soda can exacerbate High Blood Pressure, so changes to diet and high PH water is a better long term approach to elevating PH Levels during a Pandemic, with Baking Soda treatment perhaps saved for the brief few days when actual infection occurs, when I need to rapidly elevate my PH levels..
Fighting RNA Replicase by raising your Cellular Zinc levels is accomplished rather simply by eating Zinc, BUT ALSO eating a Zinc Ionophore along with it. A Zinc Ionophore is something that pulls Zinc into your cell. QUERCETIN is perfect for this. So is Green Tea Extract (EGCG). People are generally lazy, and small children often hate taking pills…. so I try and stock some premixed formulations that are a combination of Zinc + Quercetin. Long term high doses of EGCG can have more side effects, so I prefer the Quercetin/Zinc…. but if I actually think I am exposed (or am in high risk exposure situation) I will add an extra EGCG pill to the Quercetin/Zinc because it does add increased Zinc Absorbtion to the mix. Search Amazon, iHerb, LuckyVitamin or any online nutrition shop (although those listed have great prices) for any of these supplements.
Fasten your seatbelts… here is a shocker that I went over in my 3rd article that laid out my personal treatment plan for Covid (it is identical for H5N1)…. just as Donald Trump said back in March of 2020… there is a drug called Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that BOTH raises your intracellular PH levels, AND acts as a Zinc Ionophore. Take Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc… and you have a perfect prophylactic (means a preventative). My personal treatment, since it can be hard to get HCQ, is baking soda and Quercetin + Zinc since it is cheap, works just as well, and is easily available. But I have already stocked up since there WILL be a run on this stuff once the H5N1 Pandemic really kicks in. If you are offended that Donald Trump was correct about something, you can always opt to vaccinate into a pandemic (experts now realize this is a very bad idea that spawns rapid mutations – i.e. remember Omicron, Delta etc?). And of course, now that they have mRNA (DNA altering) vaccines already in the works for H5N1 – what could possibly go wrong with that strategy… Right? But my personal strategy is to start elevating my Zinc and PH levels with mid level doses during the pandemic, so that if I do catch the virus I am already “boosted” as a preventative and can quickly increase levels. YOU do as you please. This is not medical advice. But I suggest everyone do good research as if your life (or the life of your child) depends on it. It might.
The Next thing you need to know is very sobering, and scary as hell. It is as follows: While one never knows exactly how deadly a new and mutating virus will end up…. all indications are that H5N1 will be magnitudes of times more serious and deadly than Covid was. We’ll see. All I know is that various H5N1 strains that have infected humans in the past 20 years ranged from 50% to 90% fatality rates. NONE of these ever achieved sustained Human-to-Human transmission. It appears that H2H is now occurring in a recent mutation / series of infections. Disclaimer, while those 50+ percentage rates of death might seem scary, there is almost ZERO chance that an H2H mutation will get anywhere near that high (there is a correlation between higher spread evolving into lower fatality). But a mere 5% would be probably 5 to 10 times higher than Covid death rates ended up at – and focused on younger people. So this will be more serious is the main takeaway.
The SCARIEST thing of all now…. 85% of all Covid deaths were in people 65 or older. Historically, over 90% of H5N1 deaths have been in persons Under 45! Over 50% of deaths have been in people under 20. H5N1 will kill young and healthy children, teenagers, and young working age adults. This is the at risk group. This is due to the primary way H5N1 kills, which is to hijaak your immune system Cytokines, and lock them into overproducing. This is called “Cytokine Storm” by medical professionals. These Cytokines are designed to penetrate into cells throughout the body and fight virus. But imagine the bodies “Cytokine Manufacturing Machine” getting stuck in high gear….. and it just pumps Cytokines into cells with no off switch. What happens to a balloon when you keep blowing and blowing and blowing? it POPS! So yeah, Cytokine Storm causes your organ cells to explode. The result is similar to hemorragic fever or ebola where you start bleeding from orifices in your body. Young people have stronger immune systems, so they can pump out these Cytokines at a stronger pace, thereby rapidly exploding their cells and organs. Brain cells, eyes, liver, kidney, lung etc. There are many stories of children going to bed at night complaining of sniffels, and mom finds them dead in the morning with blood coming out of their eyes, nose, ears. H5N1 can kill that fast. Maybe you think this is too dramatic… but it is real, and I say it to get your clear attention as to what could be coming. NOT everyone will have this happen, but if only 1 to 2% of the population of our youth experiences this – well, can you imagine how much worse the societal panic will be when it is our kids and grandkids… compared to our grandparents. We LOVE our older parents and grandparents, but they have all had their chance at life. H5N1 will kill the young and healthy, and society is not prepared for the level of panic that is coming.
Pro TiP: Resveratrol is known to dampen Cytokine Storm. I will be eating (or drinking) it like candy in the event I think I have been exposed.
Other supplents I would research (they are in my arsenal for serious virus fighting) are NAC, and Glutathione. Also, everyone should research preloading with Vitamin D3, the preventative affects against influenza just being overwhelmingly shown in various studies, but it can take weeks to build up in your system. Build and maintain your levels. I have some additional data & links to studies in my earlier Covid/Wuhan articles.
Get prepared now. Supply chain isssues etc will be worse than last time. Just use your imagination as to what happens when our working age population, and working parents, school systems gets locked down in much greater degree than with Covid.
PS… Masks will work more effectively on H5N1. It is a larger virus so masks will catch more. Also as a larger virus it floats less and falls down on surfaces faster…. so hand washing and disinfectants will definitely be more effective than with Covid. This is simple physics. And by masks I mean N95 or KN95. A scarf or “dust mask” on your face is not an influenza fighting mask. Virus are teeny tiny and will flow right through those things. Get some REAL masks early as the supply of these will get eaten up (like last time w/Covid) by healthcare institutions and govts. Use them for high risk situations to cut your viral load exposure.
“Gain of Function” is a phrase that people learned during Covid. Means that stupid people (hello Andy Fauci!) intentionally added genetic changes to create human transmission capability or higher severity functionality to a previously harmless virus in a lab. This can be for 2 reasons: (1) Stupid people are developing warfare germs; (2) Stupid people are intentionally creating pandemic level diseases while using the excuse that they are actually “preparing humanity” for the eventual “natural emergence” of the disease – and this way they can preprepare vaccines. Wierd how these manmade versions then end up running around in the wild creating the actual pandemics. And it is relatively easy to genetically identify these “manmade gain of function” changes. So… H5N1 has been played with for DECADES in labs using Gain of Function. They proudly talked about it for many years publicly in the early 2000’s. Recent Monkeypox releases have been proven to have Gain of Function changes. People should probably keep an eye on that one too because it is suddenly spreading H2H for the 1st time ever also.
PS… you havent seen anything yet. The DNA editing and tampering that is going on in labs across the world with the human genome should terrify the human species. It is all unregulated and nothing is slowing it down. Research the term “CRISPR”).
The only good news I can think of is that the spread vector with H5N1 will most likely be less than with Covid. Again, the bad news is that the negative affects of catching H5N1 will be much greater on average.
I will conclude with a repeat reminder that my 1st & 3rd Articles on Covid – “https://bigcanoe.themountainsvoice.com/big-canoe-ga-what-you-need-to-know-about-wuhan-v-chinese-coronavirus-and-what-they-arent-telling-you/”, and “https://bigcanoe.themountainsvoice.com/big-canoe-ga-wuhan-coronavirus-simple-poor-mans-treatment-option-part-3/“ has a wealth of videos, research material, studies and data on PH-Dependency, RNA Replicase, various supplements that are often more effective than medical professionals have etc. Another good article I wrote on vaccines that you have probably never seen anything like, or a perspective regarding, can be found here (it’s old, and unrelated to H5N1 – but is extremely concept relevant): https://bigcanoe.themountainsvoice.com/original-antigenic-sin-oas-why-this-years-flu-vaccine-could-make-you-sicker-part-1-of-the-vaccine-series/. I really like this last article because it has a good section on Viral Load. Understanding the role viral load plays in infectious disease fighting is one of the most important educational pieces to the puzzle you can have.
Good luck. This is just the beginning of horrors. I suggest you begin to prepare.
Disclaimer: This string of recent H2H infections in Missouri may not be the final mutation that launches this Pandemic…. but it just got a LOT closer. Either way, once this Pandemic gets going, it will be like a blizzard, and everyone will panic buy again. Get ready.
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
Disclaimer: I am not a Medical professional, and this is not to be considered medical advice. As part of my publishing activities, I have been an active Medical Researcher since 2002, specifically but not exclusively focusing on SARS, early H5N1, H1N1, H7N9, MERS, Wuhan/Covid19 Virus, and now this most recent H5N1 pre-Pandemic outbreak. I have kept up with research on these topics over the past 20+ years, and routinely pour over extensive studies and research papers and maintain access to various data sources that average people normally do not.
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