Big Canoe WikiLeaks: Full Employee Salary List Leaked

As tensions within Committees, Departments even between POA Board Members are growing; and Property Owners become increasingly frustrated with fiscal irresponsibility, managerial incompetence and lack of transparency….. new sources of information are coming forth.

FOBC has been provided with a full 2 Week “Payroll snapshot” of Big Canoe POA Employees, including salaried and hourly employees.  The data obtained was in unedited internal report format.  FOBC has made the decision to release the data in redacted format, with only the highest paid staff revealed by name (as is already routinely released in the Annual Non-Profit 990 IRS Reports)

Below is a slightly paraphrased version of the explanation provided for “why” this information is being released:

The Big Canoe POA is effectively the government of the community, is funded by property owners, and is responsible for the stewardship of that funding.  In a real government the public salaries of employees are available through open records access.  The POA is a “Non-Profit” not subject to open records access, however it is subject to non-profit law, which includes member access to accounting records.  The POA defines that access as limited to Annual Audits, Monthly Financials, or whatever they solely select to share.  Courts have issued much broader definitions, often opening up the entire accounting record in cases, often expanding into contracts and other communications. This expanded view of property owner rights deserves awareness.

Following is a 1 Page PDF that lists Salaried Employee Information, of which there are “30” individuals.  Only the top 7 are named, and the rest are only identified by Employee ID#.  FOBC provides as reference a single, Redacted Payroll Record, as evidence of the format of the information obtained via source.  No decision has been made at this time regarding the release of the Hourly Employee data received, which is still being reviewed, and is a much large subset of data.

FOBC would like to take this time to thank ALL of the residents, employees and others, who have supported this newspaper with your readership, but also with your information, which is the lifeblood of a newspaper.  Information on considerations regarding how to use the FOBC Tipline can be found at the link.

This Article Shareable Online at our FOBC Public News Group:

– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA

* a publication of The Mountains Voice

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