If you read this article, and you find merit in it, please widely Share, Repost, Email, Tweet, post in Reddit Subs etc. It is time to force a public discussion with our Senior Healthcare Policy Makers and Institutions (CDC, NIH etc) as to why they are ignoring things that obviously work, yet can’t seem to find money for studies or manufacture of anything but Vaccines or Complex Drugs made by Big Pharma. We need things that work and are available NOW!
If you haven’t read Part 1, I suggest you do to get a good overview of some things. If you think this isn’t serious, I suggest you read Part 2, because it could be even worse than they are suggesting, and my early warnings aren’t sounding as insane anymore. With all of that said, it doesn’t have to be that way, and in this article I am going to throw out MY personal plan in simple language, and then I will back it up with the science, studies and data. To be perfectly clear – this is NOT medical advice – it is just me telling you what my personal plan is and why. Along the way I will hopefully throw in enough educational facts to help you understand the hows and whys of things, and come to your own decisions. YOU are responsible for your own research and decision making, discussing with your own physician, etc.
Let’s begin by explaining how this Coronavirus reproduces and spreads in the body.
- First, the virus has to get into the cell.
- Second, once inside a cell, the Virus reproduces through a process known as RNA Replicase.
- Treatment involves stopping either one of those events, or in the case I am going to present here, stopping both events. (1. Entering the Cell 2. Replicating)
I am going to use the example of the Malaria Drug, Chloroquine (or hydroxycloroquine) to discuss the process of stopping the Virus. This is the drug that the news media has gone nuts over, primarily just because Trump said he liked it – and which is an excellent treatment by all reports. It is NOT my treatment – but we have to go through this example to get you to a point where you can understand how this all works in regards to this virus. In both treatments, stopping the actual Virus is a two step process.
(1) Stopping the Virus from entering the Cell with Chloroquine
The Coronavirus enters the Cell through a process known as PH-Dependent Endocytosis. The PH-Dependent part refers to the ph level of the cytoplasm within the Cell, or the intracellular fluid. A neutral ph is 7.0. Anything lower is Acidic, and higher is Alkaline. This Wuhan-CoV / Covid-19 Virus needs an Acidic PH in order to trigger the process of Endocytosis, which allows the virus to enter the cell. Chloroquine raises the Intracellular PH levels, creating a more hostile, more alkaline, less acidic, environent for the virus, which keeps it from penetrating the cell wall, and this is one way that Chloroquine fights the virus.
(2) Stopping the Virus from reproducing within the Cell using Choroquine as a Zinc Ionophore
Once inside a Cell, the Virus reproduces through the RNA Replicase process, however, ZINC (ZN2+) stops the RNA Replicase process dead in its tracks. The problem is that just eating Zinc doesn’t get it inside of your Intracellular fluid. Just as the Virus needs to get into your Cell, so too does Zinc. Zinc doesn’t easily pass through the cell wall, so it needs something to transport it through. We call such substances Zinc Ionophores. Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore. It gets the Zinc into the Intracellular fluids, and this is a second way in which Chloroquine stops the Virus – by stopping reproduction within the cells.
So it looks like we have a Solution! We have this powerful, double acting virus fighter! So we can all call this Mission Accomplished and go back to work now?
While it is true that all of the data, studies, and recent in-the-field experiences point to the fact that Chloroquine is an excellent, and successful treatment for Wuhan-CoV / Covid-19 (or very similar viruses such as the original SARS Virus) – but there are a few issues, which I want to detail, the first one of which I want to make perfectly clear:
- This process is most successful when used prophylactically, which means preventatively, which means starting before you even get exposed. You might not know this, but this is actually how Chloroquine is primarily used with Malaria. Normally would take it before you go on a trip to an area that has a lot of Malaria. You do initial Boost Doses, then you do Maintenance Doses. This accomplishes the raising of your Intracellular PH Levels and Intracellular Zinc Levels, then it keeps them primed – ready to fight the Invading Virus immediately from day one.. This same concept applies to fighting the Coronavirus – take Booster and Maintenance doses before you are even exposed. The problem is that Chloroquine is also in short supply – so using it up on people that don’t even already have Wuhan/Covid is not going to work, will further put pressure on an already low supply, and therefore the effectiveness of this as a total solution is diminished. HOWEVER, I do want to make clear that starting Chloroquine immediately, or early, upon developing symptoms still appears Very Effective. The longer treatment is delayed however, and the greater the viral load is allowed to build within the body, and especially as it takes hold in the lower lungs – the worse things get.
- Why do things get worse if you don’t catch this early, and the virus gets a stronghold in your lower lungs? Because this virus literally destroys your lungs – often quickly, once it gets to this point. In doing so it opens the door for a variety of Co-infectious Bacteria (primarily pneumonia) to set in. It is at this point that people are going to need Antibiotics (which will not fight the virus, but will fight the Bacterial Co-infections). One of the problems we are about to face is that we’re going to run out of Antibiotics if the global infection rate continues to skyrocket – and that is going to most likely double or triple the death rates.
- I want to send a very strong and clear message to younger people also…. IF you are infected and the disease progresses into the deep lungs, you may very well end up in the ICU, and to be clear, there is an historically high number of younger people who ARE already hitting these serious levels. I want to make this Crystal Clear…. in many cases, even though you DO SURVIVE – your lungs are shredded, and even though you may be 20 – 30 years old, you could end up with the lungs of a 65 year old that smoked for 50 years – PERMANENTLY. And this goes for Everyone! This is why it is CRITICAL to keep initial Viral Loads as low as possible, to do whatever possible to take prophylactic/preventative measures before infection, getting the body in peak fighting shape, and to treat the first few days of symptoms as if you are fighting at the gates of Hell to kill this thing. Because if you do not beat this thing early – you are potentially delivering your body into a permanent hell, that even though you may not die from immediately, your life expectancy may be cut short, and the rest of your life lived in a diminished capacity.
- Chloroquine can cause arrhythmia’s (long QT Intervals) in some people with a history of heart disease – especially when combined with strong antibiotics, such as Azithromycin (used in the much discussed French Study). So joint treatment in severe, already established cases becomes a bit more risky – another reason to be proactive, limit exposure, get effective treatment early and immediately.
- Chloroquine has been around for decades, and when taken in small prophylactic doses it is extremely safe with very few side effects. Literally 100’s of millions of doses have been dispensed over the decades. There are a few stories being promoted about people Overdosing and dying – but these are careless people that have gotten their hands on this drug without a prescription, and have taken well over the recommended dosages. The sensationalized Media Circus promotion of these limited stories of foolish people – as some sort of justification that Chloroquine is dangerous – is irresponsible. I can assure you – the world will always have its fair share of Fools. You do not make policy based upon the actions of these few outliers.
- VERY IMPORTANT BIT OF INFORMATION / FACTOR: Success of this, or any treatment, can be influenced by Initial Viral Load at the time a person is exposed. Viral Load is a term to describe the Amount of Virus that you are exposed to at the time of infection. A person walking through a grocery store with a mask that inhales a few particles of airborne virus has a very small viral load. A person without a mask standing at a Cash Register that someone coughs in their face and they inhale it – has just been inundated with an extremely High Viral Load, and is in a much more dangerous position.
- Chloroquine is a generic drug, which means it is relatively cheap, which means there is little profit to the pharmaceutical companies. Also no billion$ of emergency research monies or grants. I’m just going to leave that comment here for now. I’ll re-address this at the end.
- UPDATE: More Evidence that Chloroquine works. This New York Doctor has now treated 699 Cases with 100% Success rate.
So…. where does that leave us?
It seems there is a perfectly good solution to PREVENT serious infection using Chloroquine that should work for most people, but it also seems that there is no way that we can keep up with the Chloroquine Supply that would be necessary to use it prophylactically for ALL PEOPLE.
Here is where MY PERSONAL, POOR MAN’s TREATMENT PLAN comes into play.
Now remember, this is for ME only, and I am not suggesting anyone use this as a Cure, nor as a Prophylactic Excuse to take unnecessary risks that might result in them catching the Virus. I am just sharing it with you, and even though I do have good faith this will work prophylactically, or as a direct treatment should I become ill, you won’t find me engaging in high risk behavior either. YOU are responsible for your own research and decision making, discussing with your own physician, etc. With that said, our Senior Healthcare Professionals and Institutions (CDC, NIH, etc) are ignoring this obvious and scientifically reasonable prophylactic and treatment option that uses over the counter, non-prescription items.
(1) Stopping the Virus from entering the Cell with Baking Soda
Similar to Chloroquine, Baking Soda also raises the Intracellular PH levels, creating a hostile, more alkaline environment for the virus, making it difficult to penetrate the cell wall, and this is how Baking Soda fights the virus. Baking Soda is even more effective at raising PH Levels than Chloroquine. It can do so very quickly. MY Treatment regimen is as follows. I take 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda, dissolved in 2+/- ounces of cold water and drink it every other day to very slightly raise PH – as a Prophylactic/Preventative. Immediately upon development of symptoms I plan to follow this old recipe that was touted as effective back during the 1918 Pandemic, and released in 1925. Interestingly I have previously used this same method to successfully stop seasonal influenza (which are also PH-Dependent Viruses) dead in its tracks. Sometimes simple, cheap, common sense Science works.
(2) Stopping the Virus from reproducing within the Cell using Quercetin and/or EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-gallate ~ Green Tea Extract) as Zinc Ionophores
The Virus reproduces within the Cell through the RNA Replicase process, however, ZINC (ZN2+) stops the RNA Replicase process dead in its tracks. Just as Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore, Quercetin and EGCG are also Zinc Ionophores (Reference Study). They get the Zinc into the Intracellular fluids, and this is partly how they Stop the Virus – by stopping reproduction within the cells. It is important to note that supplementing with actual Zinc does give the Quercetin/EGCG (or Chloroquine) something to work with, to transport into those cells.
Summary: I believe that the Combined Treatment of Baking Soda, Quercetin, EGCG, and Zinc is just as good, if not better than Chloroquine. It is a potential cheap, poor man’s treatment. It does not require a prescription. Quercetin is a natural flavonoid found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, ginkgo bilboa, St. John’s wort, American elder, and others. EGCG is a Green Tea Extract – doesn’t get any more common or cheap than that! Baking Soda is an even cheaper item found in most kitchen cupboards. Zinc supplements are readily available.
The addition of this treatment as a prophylactic to an overburdened system, that is reeling under supply shortages and rapidly increasing infections / spread of the disease “COULD” be an integral part of the solution. Our Healthcare workers already don’t have enough proper protective gear such as Masks and Gowns. This is a “POTENTIAL” cheap prophylactic that front line workers like Nurses, Hospital Workers, Grocery Cashiers, Food Delivery People, Service Workers, and those at High Risk could take prophylactically to ease the strain on the system – when Chloroquine and other drugs are not available. It could fill a huge existing gap in our overall Defense against this Coronavirus, and buy us some time. It could help us to “flatten the curve”. It could help reduce the number of serious cases. It could reduce the strain on the system by lessening serious cases requiring hospitalization. It could lower the death rate.
My question is…. WHY THE HELL AREN’T OUR SENIOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS PROMOTING THIS!?!?! Or STUDYING THIS? Why doesn’t Big Pharma at least spend some research money on this – because there is plenty of supporting science to justify taking a serious look at this. Or is it because there is no profit in finding out that dirt cheap supplements work as well, or almost as well, as the expensive, side-effect producing, man-made drugs that they create and then promote like Street Corner Crack Dealers?
I am going to be blunt here… if our Healthcare leaders want us to continue feeling safe trusting their judgment, we need to see more evidence that they are aware of us “little people” that they are supposed to be serving and caring about. I personally do not give a damn about yearlong studies or vaccines that may or may not be a year or more away. President Trump (love him or hate him) is correct about the need to get stuff out there NOW that we have. That includes opening the flood gates to Chloroquine Manufacturing and Distribution – and then supplementing the gaps with the promotion of other treatments (such as Baking Soda + Quercetin/Epigallocatechin-3-gallate + Zinc) that according to the data should clearly work in similar and effective fashion. There are solutions that are available today. They may not be perfect. They may not address every single situation – but neither do vaccines or these super-expensive Anti-Viral drugs that come with so many side effects and risks themselves, many of which have efficacy (effectiveness) rates lower than 50%
I see that Congress is back to playing partisan games while average Citizens are suffering and dying and watching livelihoods crumble. Our healthcare professionals need to take this as a wake-up call also. This is not business as usual. If you want to be trusted – stop acting like you are paid whores to the Big Pharma companies. We are in triage right now – we don’t have time for pretty stitches and perfect cures. Use what we’ve got, use it fast, get it into production and distribution.
More Random Notes / Observations:
- Baking Soda can cause high blood pressure, so even though the treatment is of short duration, people might want to consult their physicians. Of course, Coronavirus has a little side-effect called “Horrible Death” in some cases. Kinda have to weigh the risk-reward benefits you know?
- Baking Soda is not for long duration use. Our bodies function quite nicely under normal circumstances with the PH Levels that they have. I have been known to occasionally take a small dose when I am feeling a bit puny – but the larger treatment dose referenced is something I reserve for short duration “I Am Starting to Feel Sick” events only.
- Some Quercetin Supplements contain Bromelain, which can also raise blood pressure or cause heart palpitations in high doses one old study showed. I actually use this version because of some additional properties I like, but if I had a heart condition I would probably try a non-Bromelain version.
- Study shows that extra Zinc with Quercetin and EGCG gets more Zinc into the Cell. Some Zincs are more bioavailable for absorption than others, but this is not about perfection at this point.
- Most EGCG (Green Tea Extract) Supplements contain low doses of Caffeine. 4 – 5 mg on average per capsule depending on potency. That is less caffeine than 1/10 a cup of instant coffee.
- Zinc Absorption can be hindered by Legumes (Beans, Peanuts) and Whole-Grain products (Wheat, Rice, etc). They contain phytates which bind both Iron & Zinc – so these are probably best avoided or limited during illness.
- For those of you that want a visual explanation of how the Virus enters the cell, then reproduces, I found one guy that I thought did a good job explaining it in a Video. It is actually a 1st, then a 2nd followup section. Both videos below are linked to the Starting Point I thought might save you some time. FYI… it is a lot of scientific jargon, but if you are into researching this further, are a Responsible Media person, etc. I highly recommend these videos:
- This was another random, short video that did a good job explaining this visually as well. I don’t think any of these visually explain the PH-Dependency aspect though.
This is a work in progress, which I may add to over time, but I felt like getting this initial publication out to as a priority, including some of the more important studies and data points – but there are many more for anyone to find if they spend any time at all looking.
Chloroquine Reference Successes + Related Studies & Data:
(x) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acscentsci.0c00272 (From March 6, 2020)
Quote: “Chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, has proven effective in treating coronavirus in China.”
(x) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-020-0282-0 (From February 4, 2020)
Quote #1: “Chloroquine is known to block virus infection by increasing endosomal pH required for virus/cell fusion…” Quote #2: “Chloroquine is a cheap and a safe drug that has been used for more than 70 years…”
(x) https://drive.google.com/file/d/186Bel9RqfsmEx55FDum4xY_IlWSHnGbj/view (French Study)
Quote #1: “…our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients….” Quote #2: “At day 6 ….. 70% of hydroxychloroquine-treated patients were virologically cured comparing with 12.5% in the control group.” Quote #3: “We therefore recommend that COVID-19 patients be treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to cure their infection and to limit the transmission of the virus to other people in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the world.”
(x) https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/03/who-launches-global-megatrial-four-most-promising-coronavirus-treatments
Quote: “WHO is focusing on what it says are the four most promising therapies: …. *including*… the malaria medications chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine..”
(x) https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32074550/ (Feb 19, 2020)
Quote: “Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia…”
(x) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4182877/pdf/pone.0109180.pdf
QUOTE: “Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore” <title of study
(x) www.koreabiomed.com/news/articlePrint.html?idxno=7428
Quotes: “Korean physicians treating the patients infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) have established the treatment guidelines for the unpreceded coronavirus…… For the antiviral treatment, the doctors recommended ….. chloroquine 500mg orally per day.”
Note: All of the above, and below studies have tons of other reference studies within their references also. In regards to Chloroquine, the data and studies just go on and on. I may add more as time goes by, but I put these out to generally push back on Senior Healthcare Officials that are downplaying its effectiveness, and seemingly doing everything they can to distract from this treatment concept.
PH-Dependency – Related Studies & Data:
(x) The 1925 Baking Soda Treatment Dosing Guideline
(x) https://jvi.asm.org/content/jvi/80/7/3180.full.pdf
Quote #1: “We show that fusion does not occur at neutral pH and that fusion activation is a direct low-pH-dependent process occurring within acidic endosomes…” Quote #2: “The SARS-CoV is similarly sensitive to low endocytic pH…”
(x) https://www.nature.com/articles/cr200815
Quote #1: “We have found that SARS-CoV enters cells via pH- and receptor-dependent endocytosis.” Quote #2: “Our observations of ACE2 receptor translocation and recycling, pH-dependent viral entry and early endosome location of the viral spike protein indicate that SARS-CoV pseudoviruses may enter cells via receptor-dependent, pH-sensitive endocytosis.“
Quercetin / ECGC… Related Studies & Data:
(x) https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25050823
Quote: “In conclusion, we have demonstrated that QCT (*Quercetin*), EGCG (*Epigallocatechin-3-gallate*)… rapidly increase intracellular labile zinc …. and that they function as ionophores for zinc.”
(x) https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-feb-28-2020-1.5479561/as-coronavirus-spread-speeds-up-montreal-researchers-will-trial-an-anti-viral-treatment-for-covid-19-in-china-1.5480134
Quote: “Researchers in Québec are hopeful that a drug derived from plants could be the key to curing infections caused by the novel coronavirus. The broad spectrum anti-viral medicine known as quercetin has already proven successful at treating Ebola and Zika viruses.“
(x) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4728566/pdf/viruses-08-00006.pdf
Quote #1: “Here we found that quercetin inhibited influenza infection with a wide spectrum of strain…” Quote #2: “…found that quercetin could protect patients from dying from severe complications associated with the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection.” Quote #3: “…data demonstrated that quercetin may inhibit virus infections in the early stage covering viral attachment, endocytosis and viral-cell fusion” Quote #4: “…quercetin inhibited virus infection…”
(x) http://downloads.hindawi.com/archive/2013/141734.pdf
* Protective Effect of Quercetin on Chloroquine-InducedOxidative Stress and Hepatotoxicity in Mice
(x) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC521800/pdf/0206-04.pdf
Quote: “As an FDA-approved drug ingredient, quercetin offers great promise as a potential drug in the clinical treatment of SARS.”
Zinc – Some Videos explaining the process of how Coronavirus enters and reproduces inside a human Cell, and how Zinc works to stop intracellular RNA Replicase
- https://youtu.be/Eeh054-Hx1U?t=165
- https://youtu.be/U7F1cnWup9M?t=91
- https://youtu.be/BIymfznD7YA?t=139
(x) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3724376/
* Good General Zinc Study on Overall Health, has good data on absorption, transporters, etc.
Random Studies, Reference Sites, and Data from the Wuhan-CoV Outbreak:
(x) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2761044
* Clinical Characteristics of early cases.
(x) https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext
* Clinical Characteristics of early cases.
(x) https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Farchive.is%2FObawP
* Reports of undercounted Deaths in China.
(x) https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-china-joint-mission-on-covid-19-final-report.pdf
* The China Covid Report by the WHO after visiting China. Often used to misrepresent the situation regarding 80% “Mild Cases”, the report actually indicates that 1/2 of the “Mild Cases” are people that only develop pneumonia.
Miscellaneous Related Vitamin / Supplement Studies
(x) https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/S0029665199000403
* The effect of vitamin A on epithelial integrity
(x) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6218022/
Quote #1: “…showed that vitamin C treatment reduced significantly the collagen deposition in the lung” Quote #2: “…vitamin C improved the antioxidant defense mechanisms and such effects might be responsible, at least in part, for the lower inflammatory and fibrotic responses.”
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
Disclaimer: I am not a Medical professional, and this is not to be considered medical advice. As part of my publishing activities, I have been an active Medical Researcher since 2002, specifically but not exclusively focusing on SARS, H5N1, H1N1, H7N9, MERS, and now this new Wuhan/Covid19 Virus. I have kept up with research on these topics over the past 18 years, and routinely pour over extensive studies and research papers and maintain access to various data sources that average people normally do not.
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