
Big Canoe: Lake Petit Update & New Disharoon Dam Problems

Short Summary: One week in, and the “Plug” that is supposed to be inserted into the Lower Level Outlet so that the legally required annual drain test (NEVER done in 50 years) can be performed… has still NOT been succesfully inserted.  To complicate matters, Brennan Construction (the team doing the Lake Petit work) has suddenly, without warning, been pulled offsite to deal with a New unspecified “problem” at the Lake Disharoon Dam.  Thats the short of it. More details in the article as follows…. […]

Financial Series

Big Canoe Financial Articles: 3 for 1

Introducing 2 Articles by Patricia Cross, Big Canoe’s preeminent financial blogger, plus a Bonus Article that updates on the Regional “Bitcoin Is Coming” campaign, originally launched in 2017 by a Big Canoe Resident – and just relaunched in 2023 at a time that Bank Runs and de-Dollarization issues are making Financial News headlines. […]


Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: New Open Records Shed Light On GA Safe Dam’s Increasing Frustration

The POA is gambling the entire future of Big Canoe Finances on a “Hope” that things will go their way in the upcoming Lower Level Outlet inspection – but if things don’t go the way they are hoping, the entire Core Drainage System within the Dam is most likely going to have to be REPLACED. GA Safe Dams makes that clear, and appears to be losing patience in communications…. […]