People have become complacent regarding Wuhan (Covid-19) due to the low hospitalization and death rates seen during the past few months. Mother Nature had put her protective mask over the people, as she does every year during the warmer months. But Mother nature is taking off her protective mask as we head into Winter. Wuhan is Coming Back, harder and more deadly than before. This article serves as a refresher course for what to think about, and be prepared for.
What is Mother Nature’s Mask? High Heat & UV Light exposure are the enemies of Viruses such as your annual Influenzas, Rhinoviruses, and Coronaviruses. Wuhan Virus (and Influenza Viruses) are killed rapidly in this climate. It doesn’t eliminate them, but it does drastically lower the “Viral Load” of the Virus that is found in the natural environment around us. People can still catch the virus or “Test Positive” but the lower viral loads mean less severe illness, and in more and more cases – no symptoms whatsoever. Another way that Mother Nature indirectly lowers the Viral Load is by drawing people towards outside activities, and having them open their doors & windows more. As I have written about since my Part 1 Article, one of the most dangerous environments to catch Wuhan – is in indoor enclosed spaces. The stale and constantly recirculated air, once exposed to the virus, just allows it to build into higher and higher viral load concentrations. The warmer, sunnier months I refer to as Mother Nature’s Mask, because they protect the people by lowering the viral loads that people are exposed to, even as an N95 Mask lowers the Viral Load by cutting down on transmission levels. As the colder weather comes in, the virus survives much longer. While it can die in seconds/minutes when exposed to sun and heat – the virus now survives for weeks on the colder surfaces, and can remain active for days in aerosolized form as it floats through the colder air. People also begin to shelter inside, sealing windows and doors, creating a breeding and spreading ground for the virus. When one person with the virus coughs, the virus in that cough will survive for a long time – recirculating through air ducts. I have warned in previous articles that one of the steps that people should have been taking, was to install high filtration systems, and UV Systems in their duct work. Sadly, that basic step has been avoided by almost everyone, and our healthcare professionals have been mostly silent on the issue. Regardless, theses changes that take place as colder weather approaches, I refer to as Mother Nature Taking Off Her Protective Mask – leaving the people much more exposed to higher viral load.
I also want to identify perhaps the Most Dangerous places in America: Public Restrooms. At the risk of grossing out some people, there is no easy way to put this, except to spit it out and say, “Pooping and Farting releases more highly concentrated, aerosolized virus, than any other human activity.” If you are truly concerned about catching the Virus – avoid public restrooms like the Plague! Also, in your own homes, if there is one area that you should ventilate and keep the exhaust fans running, or the windows open – this would be the place.
Aeresolized virus is much more dangerous than “droplets”. Aerosolized virus is made up of teeny tiny virus particles floating through the air. These are much more capable of being inhaled deeply into the lungs. Covid thrives in the lower respiratory system. Inhaling aerosolized virus puts it directly into the most favorable environment for it to gain a stronghold within your body. And those paper masks are practically worthless against aerosolized virus, which is much smaller than the holes within the masks, and sails through the mask as if it wasn’t there, literally mixed in with the air molecules that you breath in.
With that said – a quick comment on Masks. In my recent Wuhan Part 4 article I made a comment that…
“My comments on Masks, at the very beginning and end of the PART 1 Article are still spot on and I see no need to change or edit them.”
I really want to pound home a point here. I think everyone needs to reread that entire PART 1 Article and pay attention to the following quote segments:
“A standard N95 mask is going to be virtually useless in stopping the spread of the virus…… cheaper masks that most people use are even less effective in preventing a person from catching WUHAN-CoV.”
I want to make it really clear that these paper masks that everyone is wearing are not going to do much at all to stop you from getting this virus in a High Viral Load environment such as what is coming this Winter. I am not saying that they may not cut your risk a few percentage points, or reduce the viral load a bit. I am saying that the Real Danger in these masks, is that people become complacent and somehow think that they are actually being protected, and are subsequently more likely to engage in high risk behavior, trusting that they have this magical shield on their face. You don’t!
During Winter the viral loads are going to be much higher in the environment, and masks may actually hurt people that are already exposed. Think about the earlier concept of how the viral load builds up to more and more dangerous levels in enclosed environments like subways, airplanes, office buildings, nursing homes, apartments and other buildings with central ventilation. Now think of your human body becoming sick with the virus. Inside your body the virus starts replicating/reproducing. As the Virus builds up – you start expelling much of it through your breath and coughing. Those Masks you are wearing are blocking the escape of those extra viruses, and you are subsequently rebreathing them in. You are increasing the Viral Load within your own body, increasing the size of this Viral Army your body has to fight. The primary time that truly sick people should be wearing a mask is during those rare “close encounter” times in which a doctor/nurse or family member is having to come close to take care of that sick person, and this precaution is solely for the added protection of the caregiver.
OPEN your Windows some! Put in Air Purifiers with HEPA filters. Install UV systems in your ducts. These are the real solutions – not masks. But with that said, in a high risk close environment with others, it wouldn’t hurt to wear one for added personal protection to potentially lower the viral load of the virus that you catch. You will still catch it though, because again, these paper masks are NOT going to stop these tiny viruses. Also, long term use of a mask is not healthy. Any time you recirculate your breath, you are making yourself less healthy, and subsequently more exposed to complications if you do catch the virus. I think people working on the front lines should invest in face shields, that allow the free flow of breathable air, but block direct droplet exposure from coughing. If you are a business owner – PLEASE stop making your employees wear masks, and invest in face shields. As serious infections increase this winter due to increasing viral loads, masks are going to make it worse for those people that are exposed – as they rebreathe their own contaminated air over and over for a long stretch at work.
Washing your hands. You may notice that this has been downplayed during the past 6 months. It has, and for a reason. In the warmer weather the virus dies very quickly on surfaces. I predict that will change this Winter, and you will start hearing about that more, more talk about disinfecting surfaces, etc. The virus is going to live longer on doorknobs, food packages, mail, and all surfaces as we hit the colder weather. Washing your hands will replace mask wearing as an important message. Get your hand sanitizer and surface disinfectants stocked up for winter.
I also want to point everyone back to my Part 3 Article: Simple, Poor Man’s Treatment Option. I am going to throw out the following excerpt from a letter to a friend, which I present for consideration, not as medical advice. Do your own research, consult your own physician:
This product contains 800mg of Quercetin, and 22mg of Zinc. Specifically Zinc Mono Methionine Chelate, which is one of the more bioavilable Zinc Compounds. Many people say to use 50mg of Zinc, but doing that for too long can cause problems, and I have studied this extensively, and I think that for longer duration prophylactic use, 22mg Zinc should be about perfect. Quercetin, like Hydroxychloroquine, is a Zinc Ionophore. An Ionophore is something that pulls the Zinc into the actual Intracellular fluid. Zinc Ionophores are relatively rare, and the only other I know of is a certain Green Tea extract (EGCG), but I found that a bit harsh after prolonged use.
Influenza and Coronaviruses (like Covid) are PH-Dependent / RNA Replicating Viruses.
PH-Dependent means that they require an acidic Intracellular Fluid level (PH below 6ish normally) to effectively be able to penetrate the cell wall, and enter the cell so that it can reproduce (replicate). This is why I also take a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in water every day – to keep my intracellular fluids slightly elevated (Primed). At onset of symptoms I start taking the 1/2 teaspoon dose 5 – 6 times on 1st day, then down to 3 – 4 on second day, then 1-2 until symptoms are gone. Then 1 more for the following day just to clear it all out. This deals with the PH-Dependent aspect of the virus, and helps keep it from entering into the cells. Baking Soda is one of the few things that can rapidly move the needle on Intracellular PH levels.The 2nd part of replication involves those virus that do make it into the cell. The Virus hijaaks the normal RNA Replication process of the cell, and instead uses it to replicate/reproduce itself. Zinc (when IN the intracellular fluid) will disrupt that hijaaking process. THE KEY to this that most people miss – is that the Zinc has to get all the way into the Cell, inside the Intracellular fluids. That is Very difficult. You could eat spoonfuls of Zinc and still have low Intracellular levels, due to the fact that Zinc is not very bioavailable at the intracellular level. It just floats around in your body, then you poop/pee it out – never making it into the actual celluar fluid. The Quercetin PULLS IT INTO THE CELL. So getting your body primed prophylactically by upping your intracellular Zinc levels is a great 1st step at keeping Viral Loads from ever surging within your body, before you even have symptoms. If you are in one of those high risk groups, then once that Surge of Viral Load occurs within your cells, it is very hard to “Un-Hijaak” those cells. Think of them as established virus factories that cannot then be shut down, and as such it becomes very hard to then get back in front of the Virus. This is one of the reasons that even with HydroxyChloroquine, it is only effective if taken prophylacticly, or almost immediately with the onset of initial symptoms. That is why I feel that “Priming” my body through prophylactic low dose Quercettin/Zinc + Baking Soda is so critical to getting an early jump on the virus. …Covid develops quickly, and if you don’t catch it early, it can spiral into an unrecoverable path.
Quercetin + Zinc = This Poor Man’s Treatment Option
I’m not going to get too deep into the whole lockdown mania. I’m a herd immunity person, because honestly, that is how science works. Even vaccines are simply a function of herd immunity. Everything works together to break the chain of transmission in society. Every person that develops antibodies is a person that is removed from the potential transmission chain. When enough people are removed from the chain, the transmission dies down, and the pandemic fades into the history books. That is how pandemics work, and that is why you read about them in “History” books. With that said, I can see that during the pandemic, in small targeted areas, lockdowns and restrictions can have a roll to play, especially during winter when high viral loads will actually put more people into the hospital or kill them. The sicker you are the more virus you shed, so it becomes a self fulfilling spiral of illness sometimes. SHORT & TARGETED restrictions can break those cycles.
However, locking down and killing the economy is worse than this particular disease. Children need to stay in school. Young and middle aged healthy adults need to take basic precautions, consider prophylactic treatments, and just keep working and moving on. High Risk and the Elderly need to start phasing out of society this winter, and restricting their interactions with society. Of all people they should consider prophylacticly priming their bodies to get ahead of infection. But the rest of society just needs to take basic precautions, and keep moving along.
On Wuhan/Covid vaccines, if they come…. older people might want to consider any specific Wuhan/Covid vaccine, but realize that an Influenza Vaccine this year may very well leave you less protected against the greater respiratory threat of the Covid-19 Virus. Many studies, of which the one in the link is an example, show that influenza vaccines increase the risk of secondary respiratory infections. Specifically, the above study compared secondary respiratory infection rates in Vaccinated vs Un-Vaccinated Department of Defense Personnel showed a 34% increase in Coronavirus Infections among Influenza Vaccinated persons. Covid (a Coronavirus) is a secondary respiratory infection that I think is a little more important to avoid than the flu this year. If I was older I would personally skip the flu vaccine this year. Your choice.
On the flip side of taking any potential Covid Vaccine that comes out – you do run the risk of creating an “Original Antigenic Sin” event, such as how the 2009 Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine dramatically increased hospitalizations and deaths in that novel pandemic outbreak. Given the fact that PH-Dependent RNA Replicating Viruses are so easy to treat, by simple intracellular PH & Zinc boosting – I don’t know why a vaccine should be considered, as it most likely could disrupt the natural evolution of the virus and push it into new mutational channels.
Note: there is a reason that our annual influenzas mutate so rapidly, and are so persistent in society. A new Covid Vaccine strategy is almost guaranteed to establish Covid as an annual threat similar to influenza.
Vaccines for Children and Young Adults….. NO! I personally think that anyone giving their kids any experimental Covid Vaccine (especially a potentially DNA altering RNA Vaccine such as the one from Pfizer or Moderna) should be prosecuted for child endangerment, and ostracized from respectable society. If you think I am wrong, you simply haven’t done your research.
Update / Nov 11, 2020: There is suddenly a lot of Covid19 Vaccine Hype out there, specifically in regards to the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines. Both of these use the brand new and highly controversial mRNA vaccine technology that actually releases encoded genetic information into the body, and could possibly be the beginning of a trend towards “GMO Humans”. An indepth series on vaccine issues is being put together.
So to conclude:
- It is ok not to trust our healthcare professionals. It is also ok to believe that they are morally and financially corrupt.
- It is ok to think that this whole thing is a power play by governments, corporations and media to use fear to control the masses, and that this entire thing has been politicized. It absolutely has.
- It is ok to go about your life and refuse to live in fear, and to push back on being treated like a child, or to be herded like you are just a dumb sheep – being driven in a direction you know isn’t right.
- But most importantly, it is ok to take Wuhan/Covid seriously, especially if you are in the high risk groups, or have loved ones in those groups. For a large percentage of the population, this can be a very serious, and life threatening illness, especially if you ignore early symptoms or don’t catch it early.
So take care. Be safe. Take your vitamins (D, C, and A primarily). Eat your Quercetin and Zinc. Wash your hands. Social distance when you feel it is applicable. Have some Baking Soda handy to boost your PH. Remember that Elderberry Syrup is delicious if properly prepared. Don’t let the freaked out, panicky people ruin your life. Just smile calmly, and don’t worry or be afraid.
But Be Prepared. Wuhan’s Winter is Coming. With the plague will come many additional consequences.
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
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