Case In Point
A Letter published in the June 18, 2020 edition of Nature, titled Clinical and immunological assessment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections makes the following foundational claim:
“Increasing evidence has shown that asymptomatic individuals can spread the virus efficiently, and the emergence of these silent spreaders of SARS-CoV-2 has caused difficulties in the control of the epidemic Ref 2, Ref 5 “
This claim is utterly without foundation in regards to support from the references cited, yet the Nature Article has been picked up and even further enhanced by Mainstream Media, which has further fed the Social Media Armies that have widely distributed the information as Gospel, often adding even greater and more dramatic claims to the already falsely presented information.
Diving into the Referenced Footnotes
Reference Footnote #2 This is an article titled A familial cluster of pneumonia… , from China on January 24, 2020 – at the very beginning of the outbreak, when confusion was rampant, and very little actual knowledge of the mechanisms of the Virus were known. The Article itself provides ZERO data or cases of related asymptomatic spread, but is simply a review of some of the very first cases that were presenting at the time in China. The only instance of “Asymptomatic Infection” in the study simply references 2 children tested positive that initially presented as “afebrile”, which means “without fever”. NO presentation of facts regarding reference infections of others from those children is presented or claimed in the study. However, a “cryptic” assumption is drawn as follows in the report:
“These cryptic cases of walking pneumonia might serve as a possible source to propagate the outbreak. Further studies on the epidemiological significance of these asymptomatic cases are warranted.”
Reference Footnote #5 This is a brief 2 page article titled Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmissionof COVID-19 published from China on February 21, 2020. The gist of this article is that an asymptomatic young woman traveled from Wuhan and met with 5 family members in the city of Anyang, approximately 400 miles away. The 5 relatives developed later Covid-19. The young woman never developed symptoms. She received 2 tests, the second of which gave a positive result 19 days after leaving Wuhan – an unusually high incubation time for the girl. The article totally ignores the possibility that the woman brought with her infected clothing, merchandise or travel items that carried the Virus. One must remember that it was winter at the time, and the Virus can survive for days on surfaces, longer in colder weather. While it is not impossible that the Article has accidentally drawn a correct conclusion, the fact is that not a single shred of evidence exists to suggest that spread occurred in the manner they claim, and indeed, other legitimate possible hypothesis were ignored. The Discussion concludes the findings with the following “presumption” (aka the 1st word in the article title)…..
“The sequence of events suggests that the coronavirus may have been transmitted by the asymptomatic carrier. “
Neither of these two References is how the June 2020 Nature Letter subsequently presented the information. The Letter published in Nature relied solely on these two references to make the claim that….
“Increasing evidence has shown that asymptomatic individuals can spread the virus efficiently, and the emergence of these silent spreaders of SARS-CoV-2 has caused difficulties in the control of the epidemic Ref 2, Ref 5 “
The June 2020 Nature Article makes an Untruthful and Irresponsible Leap in Conclusion. The authors have, without a shred of evidence or scientific review, transformed “might serve as a possible source” and “may have been transmitted” into “can spread” and “has caused”.
To make matters worse, the Nature Article was referenced as supporting fact by even more Mainstream Media; and well intentioned citizens, regularly use it as an information weapons tool with which to beat up on other equally well intentioned citizens – leading the frustrated and angry citizenry into social media warfare with each other.
This is contributing to a Hysterical Societal Meltdown of Epic Proportions. Sanity has literally left the building, and this is just one example of why it is happening. I could find you as many other similar examples as you can come up with topics: Mask Issues; Death Rates; Testing Issues; Hydroxychloroquine and Vaccines to name just a few. Everything we hear or read nowadays is just mythology piled upon lies, assumptions, and partial truths, with sprinkles of political agenda & monetary conflicts of interest. Is it any wonder the Nation is divided, and the people scared, frustrated and at at each other’s throats? We are being divided, distracted and conquered from within.
Society has been trained to trust the integrity of Mainstream Media and the Scientific Community, and to trust that their representations are truthful. Perhaps Society has misplaced this trust.
With that said, this author does believe that Wuhan/Covid is a serious matter. The problem is that common sense and wise ideas cannot, and do not, exist in the environment in which we find ourselves today. So it is going to get much worse, because the one thing that both “Hysteria” and “Denial” have in common…. is that neither have ever solved anything. Combined, they are a perfect recipe for Disaster. Prepare for it.
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is NOT to support a claim one way or another regarding Asymptomatic Spread. It is simply to overview one of the many instances in which Scientific and Media Reporting has acted irresponsibly. Most of the other studies I have read have drawn conflicting conclusions on the matter, and there are scientific and news reports arguing all sides of the issue. So… the purpose of this article is simply to point out that the average citizen is effectively flying blind at this point – unable to trust the information systems that we normally rely on. And this extends so far beyond just Covid issues. The real global finance situation, what’s behind racial tensions, geopolitical posturing, even your local County Commissioner’s, or the Big Canoe POA Board’s closed door sessions – all can be assumed to be black holes of non-transparent Bullshit, Propaganda, Misinformation, and Hidden Agendas at this point. My two cents.
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