On March 28, 2024 the FOBC Newspaper broke a story about huge unexplained losses at the Clubhouse. The allegation was that there was $100,000+ in unexplained inventory losses that had not been reported to the community. I asked about it in the March 2024 Board Meeting.
David Hopkins/Lot 4002: Can Scot Auer provide full details on the reported $100,000+ in Unexplained Inventory Losses (wine, liquor, food) at the Clubhouse? Why wasn’t community told? What happened?
Here was part of Scott Auer’s long, rambling, and mostly off-topic answer:
March Board Meeting 1:27:46: “As we reported uh in December and for our our year end we actually lost $655,000 in the clubhouse…”
As a bit of FACT CHECKING on Ms Cross’ latest BCMatters Article “Spread the news…“, I want to confirm that not only did the “Currently Missing“ December 2023 Financials state a loss of $655K, as opposed to the loss of $721K that the “clean” Mauldin & Jenkins Annual Audit reported, but here you have Scott Auer saying it was $655K as well.
So… Ms Cross’ Reporting was CORRECT. Scott Auer and the POA Financials were INCORRECT…. if of course you want to believe the “Clean” and Independent Annual Audit.
Back to Scott finally getting to answering my question…
March Board Meeting 1:29:14: “Regarding David’s specific question about inventory our best practice for years has has been to ……. <insert loooong blah blah blah>…… at the end of December we spent the two days we went through every freezer we went through every box we went through every detail and made sure that we were fully accounting for every single piece of our inventory. When we did that that basically took our cost of sales for the full year up by $100,000 so it was at 41% cost of sales if you look at 2022 we ran a little bit north of 39% cost of sales so basically our financials are 100% accurate what’s posted on the website is 100% accurate.“
Scott Auer took the bait and confirmed it… $100,000 was the amount of LOSS discovered by the Inventory. The problem is that the $100K number he reported lost was basically him just biting the hook I threw out to test the waters. I said $100,000+
My Sources actually told me that the Inventory Loss was Over $200K. Scott Auer appears to have just taken the number ($100K) that I fed him, and figuring he was caught (remember, that at the time they hadn’t disclosed ANY Inventory Losses to the community) he basically admitted to the number I gave him. But the number I had been given was double that…. $200,000+
So I will redirect everyone back to the UNANSWERED questions asked in my original article, “Big Canoe Clubhouse: HUGE Unexplained Inventory Losses?,” because those questions have NEVER been answered, and it has been 3+ months now since the Inventory Losses were first reported on.
COMMENT: That isn’t an honest GM, nor is it a proactive GM. The POA’s filed IRS 990 for 2022 showed GM Scott Auer making around $272K / year. Finance Director Jane Hagan makes around $134K / year. These are 2022 figures.
CONCLUSION: Scott Auer lied about the amount of Inventory Losses. He lied about the End of Year Food & Beverage Losses (and someone has now removed the evidence of the December 2023 Financials from the POA website). These are INTENTIONAL actions.
We, the Big Canoe Property Owners, are paying a man a $275,000 Premium Salary to treat us like idiots, and tell us lies. And this doesn’t even begin to discuss the role of the Financial Director Jane Hagan, who’s own financial reports don’t match up with Annual Audit numbers.
We pay these people a LOT of money. In return, we are disrespected. Plus, they do not appear to be financially or operationally competent.
Misc. Factoid: The County Managers of Dawson and Pickens Counties make only a fraction in salary as the Big Canoe GM, and have substantially greater responsibilities. Plus, by law they are required to provide a citizen with damn near any information requested in Open Records Requests. In contrast Big Canoe Management is a black box that insults you if you asks questions, refuses to answer, or maybe just lies to your face.
Is all this ok?
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* publications of The Mountains Voice
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