
Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: CONSEQUENCES of Irresponsible and Illegal Management (Part 6)

This is the 6th Installment on our Series about Lake Petit Dam. We release several never before seen documents of substantial legal impact, including Insurance Consequences, Liability Consequences, and of course the Consequence that Lake Petit is about to be substantially drained, possibly to the bottom. All of this also has a Financial Consequence, which the POA isn’t fully representing to property owners. […]


Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: Coverup, Lies & Deception (Part 3)

This article includes another Document Dump. There is a big difference between downplaying something, stretching the truth…. and simply flat out LYING. Has Big Canoe Management & the POA Board stepped over that the line, and entered into the territory of intentionally lying to the Community (and Region) about the real Safety Issues and Financial Risks regarding the Lake Petit Dam? […]