
MAJOR UPDATE: Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam

FOBC gets most of its information on Lake Petit Dam from Georgia Open Records Requests (GORA).  Property Owners get most of their information from Scott Auer and the Big Canoe Board of Directors, who get their information from our current Engineer, Goesyntec. What I am about to announce is Very Bad News.  […]


Big Canoe / Lake Petit Dam: Repair Costs HyperInflating; Seismic Stability Issues Back In Play

The Board recently revealed that repairs to the Dam will run $4.5 Million.  FOBC Sources now say this may be closer to $7 Million, and that even more engineering studies (and subsequent work) not previously estimated may be required.  A new letter from GA Safe Dams finally puts in writing that the Geosyntec Seismic Study from 1998 was NEVER ACCEPTED by the State, and that as part of the new Permit Requirement for current work, GSD will first require a redo of the Seismic Study… […]


Big Canoe Lake Disharoon: More Hidden Information Surfaces

While an update article highliting the increasing severity of the threat looming at Lake Petit is still being prepared, one recently received internal email document regarding Lake Disharoon really stood out, and is now being released publicly. It contains information not previously shared with Big Canoe Property Owners by Management. […]


Big Canoe, GA: Silent Summer

When our family heard that the Swim Club Lake had been drained, my wife thought it would be a nice educational experience to take the kids to see what it looked like.  My eight year old daughter’s initial reaction was to ask what had happened to the fish and tadpoles….. They died.  The lake was drained in rapid and uncontrolled fashion. […]


Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: CONSEQUENCES of Irresponsible and Illegal Management (Part 6)

This is the 6th Installment on our Series about Lake Petit Dam. We release several never before seen documents of substantial legal impact, including Insurance Consequences, Liability Consequences, and of course the Consequence that Lake Petit is about to be substantially drained, possibly to the bottom. All of this also has a Financial Consequence, which the POA isn’t fully representing to property owners. […]