As I write this it is around 11 am on Sat Dec 24. There is an Online Outage Map available for Amicalola Electric EMC. Currently it is showing over 550 homes in Big Canoe that are out. It looks like around 225+/- in the Wildcat area have been out since yesterday afternoon. AEMC is currently giving situational updates at their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063695795103 and at the News section of their website: https://www.amicalolaemc.com/news/
Currently the main take away is that this is a wide area event in BC, and to quote…
Although it may not be visible to you via the outage map, we are aware of around 1600 members without power. These are primarily in the Big Canoe area, the Etowah substation, and a few smaller outages. Crews have worked all night in Big Canoe. They are still working to resolve the issues which may now involve replacing an underground line. More information will be updated when it becomes available.
I would like to thank Scott Auer and the Big Canoe highly paid management team for all the wonderful eblast updates on this dangerous situation! (fact checked, and subsequently edited for clarity)
No telling if this will continue, but if it goes another night, it may be that someone in leadership in the community should start preparing notices for an overnight warming center / shelter, which used to be done in Big Canoe. Thank God we have remodeled Golf Courses though…. because focusing our limited financial resources on our crumbling infrastructure, emergency services, or a functioning communications system for situations such as this would obviously be a waste of our money.
PS… UPDATE: 11:11 am from a private resident:
there are crews working by the bridge in Wildcat. They are definitely replacing an underground cable. The last message I heard was that they hoped to have it back up today.
Fingers crossed. ALSO… I hope everyone is expressing prayers and gratitude for the Linemen and Crews that are out there working in bitter cold temperatures to get things back to normal – and on Christmas Eve Day at that. May the Lord God Bless them and keep them safe, and may their families and children be made aware of what heroes they are, and that the sacrifices that their families make, without them on these holidays, is also appreciated! While I am extremely frustrated with what I have discovered in my brief investigation into this – that frustration is aimed at AEMC & Big Canoe Management, none of which to my knowledge is actually out there in the freezing cold dealing with this. Their only responsibility was to sit behind their warm toasty computer terminals and keep customers updated. #FAIL
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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