
Big Canoe Lawsuit Served On GM Scott Auer / POA

A lawsuit was just filed against the Big Canoe POA that seeks Declaratory Judgment, Injunction, Damages, Allegation of Fraud, and Attorneys Fees in the way they have handled Architectural Controls Violations.  General Manager Scott Auer was served a copy of the lawsuit late last week. Link to lawsuit in article… […]

General News

Big Canoe Clubhouse: HUGE Unexplained Inventory Losses?

FOBC has reliable sources that are saying that Clubhouse Management recently discovered HUGE unexplained Inventory Losses exceeding $100,000+ in foods, liquors, wines, etc.  If true, this has NOT been reported to the Community.  The purpose of this article is to publicly ask some questions of the POA Board, and perhaps more specifically, of our GM Scott Auer. […]


FOBC OPINION PIECE: Regarding the Latest BCMatters.Org Article Financial Blog has just released a new article, and I think it deserves some special commentary by this Newspaper. Specifically, this is getting embarrassing for the community of Big Canoe. We look like unaccountable idiots that have more money than brains, and can’t seem to get our house in order, and have turned the management of the community over to the monkeys. We CAN fix this, and I have a good OPINION on how. […]

Forensic Audit Series

Big Canoe Forensic Audit Series: A Letter to the Editor

There is now open community discussion regarding a Forensic Audit of the Big Canoe POA financial books. It is becoming a serious issue for the community, and FOBC is launching an Article Series to help the community explore the concept of a “Forensic Audit”. We recently received a “Letter”, and it’s a good way to start this Series off, with some general thoughts thrown out by an anonymous property owner…. […]

Watchdog Series

The 2003 Big Canoe Financial Crisis: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Looking at the rapidly growing list of unanswered Financial Questions raised at the site, one must wonder…. is there any precedent for such a thing happening before in Big Canoe?  Turns out that the answer to that is “YES”….. In 2003 Big Canoe experienced a “Financial Crisis”.  FOBC takes you on a journey back in time, comparing documented 2003 Actions, to 2023 Non-Actions. […]

Watchdog Series

Big Canoe HOA – Historical look at Big Canoe’s Old Watchdog

In addition to the POA, from 2001 to 2015 the Big Canoe Community also had the Homeowners Association of Big Canoe (i.e. “HOA”). The HOA was more of a Non-Profit Watchdog Group. It had voluntary property owner membership, and extremely low annual dues. The HOA was a powerful voice for property owner interests in many ways. FOBC has put together a really fascinating and comprehensive look at the “old HOA”…. […]

Election Issues

Big Canoe POA Election: FOBC Candidate Endorsement

FOBC has never taken the position of endorsing a candidate before. Due to several factors, FOBC whole heartedly endorses POA Board Candidate, Mike Volk, in the upcoming election. Mike has perhaps the most relevant experience of all the candidates…. read more about Mike, and get the location & time schedule of his upcoming Meet & Greets… […]