The following “Official”* Facebook Group has been launched:
We are currently accepting Applications For Group Moderators. Looking for Several Independent Property Owners to share this responsibility.
A “General Overview” of the Initial Settings and Rules of the Group shall be as follows:
- Group Setting will be Private;
- Group Membership will initially be limited to Big Canoe Property Owners Only.
- No Property Owner will be denied Membership**
- Group will aspire to a “No Ban”** Policy, utilizing instead temporary “Muting” to calm disruptions.
- Basic Initial Rules include courtesy, truthfulness, no spam, plus a “no share” policy to keep private community discussions within the group.
Group Purpose will be to allow Property Owners to OPENLY AND SAFELY discuss Policy, Decisions and Direction of Big Canoe Community, WITHOUT FEAR OF BULLYING OR BANNING.
Initial Primary Discussion will be focused on the 2016 Land Deal Issues, the expected Developer Transition, upcoming changes to the Long Range Plan, POA Election, and other pressing concerns within the community, but there is no hard rule limiting the topics of discussion, as long as it pertains to a matter of interest to Big Canoe Property owners with Voting Privileges.
One feature that will be introduced is the “Community AMA” with featured speakers. “AMA” stands for “Ask Me Anything” and is big in the Tech World nowadays as a way to increase knowledge and interaction between communities and influential members. In November our first AMA will be with myself, David Hopkins, on the primary subject of the 2016 Land Deal, but will expand into other areas, including some personal questions.
The Group is Officially Open for Early Application for Entry into the Group. You may submit your Entry Questions by “JOINING the Group, and Submitting Basic Lot Ownership Information”. Entries will be approved as fast as verification can occur.
Potential Moderators are encouraged to Private Message the Admins, or Email themtnsvoice@aol.com. Please simply identify yourself and tell a bit about why you think you would make a good Moderator that could assist in encouraging and guiding community discussion in a productive manner.
Question: Why is this being billed as the “Official” Big Canoe, GA Facebook Group? Answer: We will be the ONLY Facebook Group that will allow ALL Property Owners access**.
* The Group is NOT affiliated with the Big Canoe Developer, not the Big Canoe POA, and shall be operated under the governance of independent Property Owners in the Geographical Community of Big Canoe, GA.
** Full Membership will be phased in over several months as Moderators become available to handle the Membership demands. Known “Agitators / Bullies / Admins” on various other FB community sites will initially be delayed entry until the proper Moderation infrastructure is in place, but ALL Property Owners will eventually be allowed access. It is possible that during the initial “rolling out” period that some disrupters may be temporarily removed from the group in order to allow our Moderator Team to get into a rythym of working together, and with the community.
It is our hope that by Spring of 2020 the Group will have grown to substantial size; a Quality Team of Moderators will be in place; and the Group will begin to have a positive impact in influencing policy and direction within the community.
At the link, click the JOIN button, then answer the basic property owner verification questions. Please be patient as the process begins.
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