UPDATE ~ Sunday Sept 29, 2019: I’ve uploaded an 8 Page PDF showing the initial 74 Comments People have provided. Powerful stuff. People are making it clear they do NOT want this stuff in Dawson County. Sign and add your comments, which will be delivered to the Commissioners prior to the Oct 17 Meeting.
We the People of Dawson County, do hereby Petition the Dawson County Board of Commissioners in regards to the following…
We object to the recent High Density Zoning efforts within our County (specifically in regards to the Dawson/Etowah Village Project, ZA 19-15), which we believe are in substantial violation of our Long Range Plan, and constitute a threat to the character of Dawson County.
This is NOT a stance against All Development. Indeed we realize that Development is inevitable, and that if done wisely can have great benefits to our county. To the contrary this is a stance FOR our existing long range plan and existing Zoning Ordinances, to which many people in the County devoted wise thought, great time and substantial expense towards developing. Existing Zoning is already in place that allows for various commercial, and YES, even high-density pockets of development. We disagree with decisions to stray from the existing Zoning, and to bend to the wishes of Developers attempting to create high density opportunities for themselves, and THEIR PROFITS, but which do nothing to further the quality of life within our county.
Please VOTE NO on the Dawson/Etowah Village Rezoning request, and all similar high-density proposals that may in the future come before you.
This Petition will close on October 10, in order to prepare the results and have them delivered to the Commissioners prior to the October 17, 2019 Zoning Meeting.
Please send This Petition to friends via Facebook, via email, etc.