
Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: New Open Records Shed Light On GA Safe Dam’s Increasing Frustration

The POA is gambling the entire future of Big Canoe Finances on a “Hope” that things will go their way in the upcoming Lower Level Outlet inspection – but if things don’t go the way they are hoping, the entire Core Drainage System within the Dam is most likely going to have to be REPLACED. GA Safe Dams makes that clear, and appears to be losing patience in communications…. […]


Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: EAP Delayed… Again.

Once again Ga Safe Dams has NOT accepted the latest EAP submission, and has again issued a Letter to Big Canoe, on October 14, 2022, giving them yet another “30 days” with which to fix certain issues, including Geosyntec once again using unverified, contradictory or incorrect data, and still ignoring previous requests for additional data and reports.  […]


Big Canoe Water & Sewer: The Consequences Of Non-Transparency (Pt 3)

Because there has been NO Transparency over the years regarding Big Canoe’s Water and Sewer System…. we have arrived at a situation where our Water & Sewer Utility Bills are skyrocketing, and Property Owners can’t trust their leaders anymore. This article announces the launch of an IRS Investigation into water withdrawals by UIG that are in violation of our § 1.170A-14 Qualified Conservation Easement…. […]


FOBC Rebuttal: G.M. Scott Auer vs. the Truth

FOBC recently presented our 16th Article on Lake Petit Dam. It contained recently updated analysis & information on the ongoing Repair and Legal Compliance process that has been underway since 1997. Scott Auer didn’t like our article, vowed that “He will Always Tell the Truth”, and then proceeded to tell more verifiable lies. […]


MAJOR UPDATE: Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam

FOBC gets most of its information on Lake Petit Dam from Georgia Open Records Requests (GORA).  Property Owners get most of their information from Scott Auer and the Big Canoe Board of Directors, who get their information from our current Engineer, Goesyntec. What I am about to announce is Very Bad News.  […]