
Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam: Public Updates

This is a 3 part public report, that will be copied to Ga Safe Dams and other Public Officials. It submits video evidence of a potentially compromised LLO Pipe; updates on the status of the Stability Review; and outlines the Monies spent so far since 2020 on “Stalling Tactic” maintenance repairs – that will all most likely end up as wasted and unecessary funds if either of two likely scenarios materializes. […]


Big Canoe: Lake Petit Update & New Disharoon Dam Problems

Short Summary: One week in, and the “Plug” that is supposed to be inserted into the Lower Level Outlet so that the legally required annual drain test (NEVER done in 50 years) can be performed… has still NOT been succesfully inserted.  To complicate matters, Brennan Construction (the team doing the Lake Petit work) has suddenly, without warning, been pulled offsite to deal with a New unspecified “problem” at the Lake Disharoon Dam.  Thats the short of it. More details in the article as follows…. […]