I have sent a request for information and response email to the POA Board of Directors in regards to issues surrounding the 2016 Land Deal, one interesting portion of which I think is applicable to the current Voter Fraud going on in the community. Smart minds might want to take a look at the email to see where this bigger picture is heading. Below is just a small portion of the email, which directly may relate to the current Voting issue:
As part of the 2016 Land Deal, the POA purchased 100 Family Dwelling Units (“FDU’s”). We paid an estimated $2.62 Million Dollars for this portion of the Land Deal Contract.
1988 Covenants; Article III; Section 2 states:

Who is Voting the 100 Family Dwelling Units that the POA Acquired as part of the 2016 land Deal? Are they being voted? Something to think about.
– david hopkins / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
… a publication of The Mountains Voice
10887 Big Canoe
Big Canoe, GA 30143
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