In a closed door session of the Big Canoe POA Board, on January 9, the Board passed a resolution to authorize GM Scott Auer to hire private security for protection at POA Board Meetings. Just 3 weeks later, in the opening seconds of the January 26 POA Board Meeting, a reference by POA President Tim Moran was made thanking a “Pickens County Sheriff Marshall Hulsey” for his presence. Was this a PAID presence? Why did we need an armed guard at the POA Meeting?
It is a customary business practice, that when a funding request is made, that a Justification be presented in support of the request. What was the justification for using property owner funds to hire private security for Board meetings. It conjures many questions:
- Is there a serious security concern going on behind the scenes that is so alarming that our own paid public safety professionals can’t handle it?
- Private security can be armed. Our public safety cannot carry firearms. Is the threat level that high – that weapons are advised?
- What is the nature of the threat? Why haven’t Property Owners been updated on the reasoning behind this decision? Property Owners attend these POA Meetings. As far as a “need-to-know” issue, I can think of no higher priority than the safety, security and well being of our own members. If there is something going on… we NEED-TO-KNOW. Period.
Interestingly at the recent February POA Board Meeting, Property owners learned that the POA lost $126,000 in January alone (including a $93,000 loss at the Clubhouse, and $36,000 loss in Golf). The tone of the entire meeting was substantially more somber than normal, and the vast majority of discussion was in regards to (a) the approaching deadlines for expensive work and stability studies on Lake Petit Dam, and (b) nervous attempts at calming property owner concerns regarding the financial health of POA Finances, which included the need to “RESTATE” both the Board Designated “Capitol Projects Fund”, AND “Master Plan Fund” BALANCES, and a vote to transfer $1 Million into said rapidly ballooning Capitol Projects Fund.
Why do I bring the above paragraph into a discussion about hiring private security? To make the point that that in light of the all the financial challenges this community is currently facing…. one really wonders WHAT the threat justification is to spend excessive funds on hiring private security, when we already have a fully staffed private public safety division.
Property Owners must believe that there is a “real and present danger” for this concern and expenditure of funds, and that this is not just a distraction, and intimidation tactic (Not that such a thing > has happened before < ).
This is one of those things that deserves a very public, and very transparent, eblast of explanation... that includes full details of nature of the threats used to justify the hiring of private security for POA Board Meetings.
SUMMARY: Is the threat to property owner safety real?
One can only hope that some property owners will reach out directly, and demand answers from GM Scott Auer and POA President Tim Moran. Because if the “threat” merely rises to the level of upset, retired property owners demanding answers…. maybe it would be better to simply answer the questions about our infrastructure & budget…. rather than unnecessarily blowing out our budget even further in an attempt to intimidate against those questions?? OR… is the threat real??
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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