Amy Tropfenbaum is at it again. Back in April of 2022 FOBC ran an article regarding POA President Amy Tropfenbaum’s “Unreported Conflict of Interest” regarding the Chimney’s remodel. The resulting community outrage over the revealed facts, as well as multiple other concerning aspects of that project, led to it being scrapped. Even more amazing was that 2 of the Board members openly objected to the project (almost unheard of in Big Canoe politics, and which has once again occurred).
Amy’s conflict this time is an almost identical issue, involving enormous expenses involved in redesigning the Creek 9 Covered Bridge that sits along Amy’s property line; part of her “scenic view” of Lake Sconti. The other similarity was a split in the Board when it came time to vote on this project. There are seven (7) POA Board Members. 1 Abstained. 1 Voted No. 1 didn’t show up to vote. At least some of them are refusing to tow the line.
Amy Tropfenbaum cast the necessary vote to push this over the required 4 Vote Quorum. If she had recused herself, as would have been appropriate, then this vote would have failed.
Here is a brief summary of the project from this writer’s perspective: This covered bridge has been part of the scenery here for decades. Suddenly it has been decided that it needs to be bigger, more dramatic. There is a lot of cost being added that is basically over aesthetics and visual materials. How much are we talking about? Almost $300,000.
Which property in Big Canoe is the MOST impacted by the visual and aesthetic redesign components of this project? Amy and Bob Tropfenbaum’s home at 111 Sconti Point. Here is visual:
Amy’s $300,000 Scenic View –FUNDED by Property Owners; APPROVED by Amy Tropfenbaum
Aside from Ms Tropfenbaum’s seeming obsession with expensive projects that surround HER Home, and improve HER property, there is believe it or not an even more astounding aspect to this story.
WHEN DID SPENDING ALMOST $300,000 ON A GOLF CART PATH BRIDGE BECOME A ROUTINE SORT OF EXPENDITURE? This POA Board, various oversight Committees, (and our General Manager) are out of control. They have no fiscal restraint whatsoever. Redesigned Golf Courses; Redesigned Clubhouse; Covered Bridges, “Seawalls”; Lake Disharoon Dam Consequences / Dredging; Redesigned Marina’s; Secret Undisclosed Loans; Secretive “Master Plans”; $20 Million Dollar Lines of Credit already being tapped – and no sincere disclosures on what is going on with Lake Petit Dam. We have so many multi-million dollar projects going on, that anything close to $300K seems trivial. That is a problem.
And we are heading into what could be a Stagflationary, Recessionary, Hyper-Inflationary; US Dollar Collapsing; Real Estate Re-Valuating; Energy Crisis Worsening; Escalating Global Tensions Environment! What the hell could possibly go wrong with an approach such as is being taken by Big Canoe leadership? Well, I will tell you…..
I was here during the 2008 financial crisis. 2 kinds of people suffered. Many 2nd home owners got wiped out, took shortsales, got foreclosed on. Fixed Income Retireees got hit the worst, some lost almost everything. I am already hearing the exact same thing I heard back then, “If you can’t afford to live here, then maybe you just don’t belong.” And in every single case, it was one of the 10 – 15% of the community that considers themselves part of the elite, arrogant, golf-membership, country-club type insiders that serve on our Boards and Committees that was making that charge. It is always the same small group of usual suspects.
The people that are going to be most impacted when this economic storm finally breaks, won’t be suffering because “they don’t belong”…. they will suffer because the well run community that they bought into – has been hijacked by fiscally irresponsible idiots, that have engaged in secretive, manipulative, non-transparent and possibly illegal accounting and management practices, in order to benefit the wishes of the few, over the needs of the overall community.
Full access to the Accounting Records is suggested. No excuses. Full access. If not granted, then a property owner lawsuit to demand access, possibly coupled with a court ordered forensic audit, should be considered.
At some point property owners need to realize, and accept, that the small group of insiders running this community, have ZERO intention of cooperating voluntarily.
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– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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