UPDATE: 3:50pm June 30, 2022 / Someone just asked me if I had gotten the 25 Signatures. Below is my response, which contains my decision on whether or not to run.
Hey *********,
Yes I have. I actually had the required signatures within a couple of hours of announcement, and it kept growing from there. But I have decided I am going to pass. I talked to a lot of people to get feedback. Everyone was extremely supportive of my running, but I learned things that caused me to rethink. In the end it has boiled down to whether or not it is an effective use of my time. I don’t think it would be. I will most likely write up my reasoning in the near future detailing some of my concerns. I learned a lot about the process through both feedback, and via the “Campaign Guidance” literature I received (which I will be releasing, because I think it will be educational to property owners.)
To be clear… I was very sincere about this, and up until around 10 am this morning, I thought I was going to do this. Around that time I had several conversations and happenings that clarified some thoughts that were concerning me. In the end it boils down to the fact that I believe that I can likely accomplish more from the outside, than I can from the inside – and with less drama and strife affecting my families’ life.
– david h
Greetings fellow Big Canoe Property Owners!
My name is David Hopkins, 23 year resident of Big Canoe, Publisher of “Focus on Big Canoe, GA” (FOBC) Newspaper, and an admin of a few Big Canoe Facebook sites. Out of the blue, I have suddenly decided to run (been nudged a little – lol) for the Board of Directors of the Big Canoe Property Owners Association. I picked up a Packet last minute, on Monday June 28, 2022.
The deadline for me to meet the 25 Signature qualification is June 30, 2022. For those that know me, you will not be surprised that I find this no obstacle at all, even given the extremely Short deadline. I am solutions oriented, and I am well versed in law, and technology. I immediately researched electronic signature law in Georgia, and found that they are legal, and then I utilized software I already have to create the following:
Note: I am told by the elections committee that the person signing MUST be on the Property Ownership Deed. Further, only one person per lot may sign, Signatures are required representing a minimum of 25 separate lots.
I am going to briefly go over some of my thoughts and positions. This is preliminary. If I get the needed signatures to get on the actual ballot, then property owners will have months to get to know me, and I will have months to get to know the property owners, and specifically, get to know what your concerns are. In the event I pass this hurdle and become a candidate, I give my word on the following:
- I will strive to run a clean and professional campaign. If elected I will follow all applicable laws in regards to Conduct, Confidentiality, and Fiduciary responsibility that are required of a non-profit board member/director.
- I will put in writing as many of my positions, thoughts, and general ideas as I can during the campaign process.
- I will actively seek feedback and input from property owners during the election process (and ongoing if elected), and will attempt to respond to as many scenarios put to me as I can.
- By the time you get to the final vote, property owners WILL know for certain what I stand for, what my thought process is like, what my concerns are regarding the current state of affairs in the community, and SPECIFIC ideas I have for how to fix, improve or maintain things. And property owners will have a clear idea of whether I can be trusted to act ON the Board, in the same way I TALKED during the campaign.
- Prior to the Election I will develop a clear written policy regarding how I plan on handling any conflicts between my role as Newspaper Publisher of FOBC and my role as a Board Director for the BCPOA.
- Win or lose I will do my best to bring to the forefront of the community discussion, issues that really matter to residents.
The above are some generalized statements, and now I am going to make some more specific, but still general, position statements. Again, this is a very rough and simplistic overview, which will be expanded during the campaign process.
- Represent ALL property owner interests in an equitable fashion.
I have heard from many people over the years that they feel that their interests are NOT heard. That is not to say that some Amenities, Programs, or Focus Areas are not more cash intensive, complex, or centrally necessary than others – but I am concerned that some Property Owners needs/wants may be occasionally marginalized or taken for granted. - Transparency is an often over promised, and under delivered talking point. The recent Chimney’s remodel was an extreme example of this. The project was barely mentioned in months prior (perhaps in very brief passing, without reference to scope, seriousness, mention that bids and architects were intensively engaged, etc), and then literally 15 minutes before a vote, in open Board Meeting, the Community is effectively told about it for the first time. THAT was not only a mistake, but it was an avoidable mistake. As a Board member, I would undertake a review of all Board policies that limit member access to information regarding Project Planning and Major Financial Decisions. I would attempt to create consensus for implementing written policies that favor actual transparency.
- Increasing Community Feedback / Engagement in shaping policy and direction will be another focus of mine. I have long been concerned with the use of these expensive and external “Focus” and “Survey” groups (i.e. Chambers, T4 Associates, etc). Surveys are relatively simple and inexpensive. Big Canoe already has the capability through highly advanced mailing and communication tools to run, AND VERIFY, property owner inputs through small, quick, and targeted polls. We are paying a small fortune to employ some highly trained staff, and I think we should utilize their incredible talents more wisely.
- I believe in fiscal responsibility. ALL THREE of the prior positions have large roles to play in increasing the bang-for-buck that our financial expenditures should be bringing to the community. The expenditures should be balanced to represent the Community residents equitably. Projects should be clearly defined, developed with property owner input from the inception, and at all stages there should be transparency. I would support the implementation of a Property Owner Approval Vote for Projects that exceed a certain cost threshold (to be determined). I might actually go further and suggest that prior to any studies, architectural plans, design work or other PRE-PROJECT work being done (in excess of an amount to be determined) that some sort of survey or notification process within the community be taken in which the general project concepts, goals and ranges of scope are shared with property owners. Perhaps then a 30 – 60 Day “Public Comment” period before proceeding.
- Walking a fine line, and finding the best possible consensus between what are often conflicting aspects of the Big Canoe Community. My observation is that Big Canoe can be broken into several separate “Groups”, which in general are (1) Retired Permanent Residents (2) Younger Family Permanent Residents (3) Part Time Residents (4) Investors / Vacation Rental Operators. (5) Visitors/Guests (including extended family). All of these (and more) groups have different wants / needs. I will listen. I will research. I will seek creative solutions and do my best to balance the solutions.
If you want to learn more about me, and wish to help me learn more about you, Please Sign the:
I should in complete transparency say this…. I am not 100% committed yet. I need 25 signatures, but the final amount I get may have an influence on whether I will actually turn the paperwork in and run, or not. I need to see some support for the concept if I am to commit my time to this. I will make my decision around 10am – 11am on June 30, 2022. That is the deadline for people to sign, and spread this petition.
– david hopkins
lot 4002
box 10887 big canoe
big canoe, ga 30143
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