Ga Safe Dams just issued a Non-Compliance Letter dated May 20, 2021 (5 Pg Pdf) to the Big Canoe Property Owners Association. This same day in the May 20 Board Meeting, General Manager Scott Auer was asked about the letter. His response is below, with a direct video link to his comments.
Scott Auer speaking [video timestamp: 1 Hr 35 Min 55 Secs]
“So David, I guess I honestly don’t know what you are talking about. Um, I’ve talked, and Geosyntec has spoken with Georgia Safe Dams multiple times in the last two months, and um, as far as they’ve informed us, we’re in full compliance on Lake Petit.”
As you can see from the linked letter, it is crystal clear that some very serious developments have occurred. It is also crystal clear that either Mr Auer is either misrepresenting his communications with Ga Safe Dams, or those communications simply aren’t occurring. This newspaper has been consistently putting in Open Records Reports for months, requesting all communications. Georgia Safe Dams has been very cooperative, including the providing of the 5 Page Non-Compliance Letter today, that is the focus of this article. There is no reason to think that they would be hiding data from this newspaper, when they have turned over hundreds of documents, emails, phone logs, etc. And those records do not show a single communication, in any form, with Big Canoe General Manager Scott Auer. It is most likely that Scott was blindsided today – because he has NOT been speaking with Ga Safe Dams.
I have much more information regarding the recent, and extremely serious developments in the Petit Dam than even this letter conveys (or I believe than even Safe Dams is aware of), and will be releasing that information, and additional communications in the next few days. The Big Canoe POA, and their engineers at Geosyntec, have been hiding information from Ga Safe Dams. But on April 30 they were legally bound to release some engineering reports they had been sitting on for over half a year. I am guessing that Ga Safe Dams was also blindsided by some of the information in those reports, which most likely contributed to this long due Non-Compliance letter.
I predicted in an earlier article that “It is increasingly likely that the community will also be missing Boating & 4th of July activities at Lake Petit, due to the escalating odds that plans to drain that Lake will also soon be underway.”
Based on today’s Non-Compliance letter and another internal communication (Ga Safe Dams talks about mandating the lake be lowered by 32′ to 48′ ), I feel even stronger that plans to drain Lake Petit will indeed soon be under way.
PS…. Scott Auer also announced big news regarding the Swimclub Lake at Disharoon in tonight’s Board Meeting. The plans to fix the pipe and refill the lake in time for at least part of the summer have failed. The Swimclub Lake, Inflatables, Beach, Paddle Boards and Canoes will be Closed for the entire summer of 2021.
ALL Property Owners should quickly read at least the first page of the 5 Pg Non-Compliance Letter. The developments are serious, and Ga Safe dams sounds like they are about to get serious as well. Things are about to change around Lake Petit, the Marina, the Ballfield, etc.
A more detailed article on the developments is coming soon.
PS…. the Board needs to get off the sidelines, and demand that the General Manager begin providing full and detailed updates to both themselves, and Property Owners, on a regular basis. And it is time for the General Manager to proactively release the full Dive and Camera Inspections that they continue to withhold. No More Secrets! No More Surprises!
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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