FOBC did a January 24, 2022 Article on the original release of the November 2021 Draft EAP, which was already years overdue (the initial demand by Ga Safe Dams to correct and verify the underlying Lake Data having been issued back on Dec 11, 2017 – see ¶7).
The November 2021 Draft EAP was NOT accepted a year ago. Instead, Big Canoe was given 30 days to fix multiple issues and to resubmit. Here we are a year later, and Geosyntec has finally resubmitted the October 2022 Draft EAP.
Once again Ga Safe Dams has NOT accepted the latest EAP submission, and has again issued a Letter to Big Canoe, on October 14, 2022, giving them yet another “30 days” with which to fix certain issues, including Geosyntec once again using unverified, contradictory or incorrect data, and still ignoring previous requests for additional data and reports. Note that Geosyntec is making a financial killing by repeatedly filing unaccepted EAPS, which property owners keep paying to be reworked over and over again.
A future Article by FOBC will address potential misuse of data by Geosyntec, in order to falsely inflate the safety profile of the Dam. This will be based upon the fact that we now have an Officially Accepted Volume Report (Bathymetric Survey Data) that proves that Geosyntec’s “estimated” calculations in prior reports have been incorrect, and invalidate previous assumptions about the Seismic Stability of Lake Petit Dam.
Similar to how Big Canoe was reported to Georgia Safe Dams to get their attention regarding taking the safety issues seriously, and similar to how the POA has been reported to the IRS for their failure to take their Conservation Easement requirements seriously…. Geosyntec Consultinng (Lic# GCCO002289) is being reported to the appropriate Licensing Board as well. The level of apparent misconduct by this “Engineering Firm of Record” absolutely demands investigation.
There have been 18 Articles to date in the Lake Petit Dam Series.
All residents of Big Canoe, and Eastern Pickens County are urged to share this article, talk to your Pickens County Commissioners, and write to the Governor of Georgia, regarding the lack of action being taken by Georgia Safe Dams to bring this Dam, the 2nd largest earthen Dam in the State of Georgia, into compliance. It is not too late to avoid a disaster – which will evetually occur if this is not addressed, and will subsequently destroy the local economy and infrastructure, including regional loss of water/sewer and transportation routes – as well as loss of property and life. Be clear – what is happening in Big Canoe will not stay in Big Canoe. It will negatively impact ALL East Pickens County Residents.
NOTE: As I write this, I have sources that show the Big Canoe POA planning another nearly $4 Million Dollar upgrade to another 9 holes of golf – instead of focusing on the issues with the Dam. #MisplacedPriorities
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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