The sole purpose of this particular article is just to quickly share a recent email exchange between GA Safe Dams and the Big Canoe POA’s Engineer, Geosyntec. Scott Auer is being copied on all emails as is usual. I add this last part because Scott’s continued LYING to the community needs to be pointed out as him not having any plausible deniability. When Scott Auer LIES to the community, Scott Auer knows he is LYING to the community. It is not accidental mistruth.
As the publisher of FOBC, I have researched and compiled the 50 year history of this Dam at a documented website, LakePetitDam.com; written over 2 dozen articles on the Dam; and routinely put out and collects Open Records Reports, and I know a LOT about this damn Dam…. and so it is frustrating to watch Scott Auer get up month after month and LIE HIS ASS OFF, telling the community how proactive he is being.
So here is an email chain (3 Pg PDF) I just got from early February. The 3rd page is Ga Safe Dams Director David Griffin pretty much reading the riot act to Geosyntec / Big Canoe for their repeated failures to meet timelines and commitments.
1st Page Email is from lead Engineer for GA Safe Dams, Kate Betsill, to Wes McDonald at Geosyntec. She comes down pretty hard on Geosyntec / Big Canoe regarding their failure to follow timelines on fixing or coming up with a promised plan regarding the Lower Level Outlet, which failed it’s long awaited test a year ago (and Scott LIED about that too, somehow spinning it into a success!?!?!).
2nd Page Email is Wes McDonald response, COMPLETELY IGNORING her suggested timeline, and substituting his own.
3rd Page Email is GA Safe Dams Director David Griffin as earlier mentioned, obviously fed up with the stalling tactics.
This is a PDF document, so might be best read on a laptop or computer, and not a phone.
I will leave everyone with the following: There is more coming. Scott Auer and Geosyntec have no idea how they are going to economically fix this problem. And make no mistake, there are still trench drains and a complete rebuild of the Spillway coming. And let’s be clear…. there is NO PLAN AT THE MOMENT! NO DRAWINGS! NO NOTHING…. JUST THE SAME VERBAL B.S. PROMISES TO MEET A DEADLINE CONCERNING SUCH THAT WE HAVE SEEN FOR 26 YEARS SINCE THIS DAM WAS ORIGINALLY PUT INTO NONCOMPLIANCE!!!
I dare anyone to try and nail down Scott Auer on even a rough estimate, based on actual design plans, regarding what all this is going to cost. I predict you will NOT get an answer because every single internal conversation I have had with sources indicates they have no idea how to effectively deal with the issues.
The Dam has been in non-compliance for years. Scott Auer is not only lying to Property Owners, and moving the Goalposts as fast as he can, he and the engineers are doing it to GA Safe Dams as well!!! There is a reason they are stalling.
$$$, BIG $$$!!!
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* publications of The Mountains Voice
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