Patricia Cross, Big Canoe’s preeminent financial blogger, released an article a couple of weeks back, entitled “Connect the dots…“. It was not widely distributed, and this is now being corrected, as all of the issues brought forth in that article are just as relevant today, as they were two weeks ago. So that link… is your “Article #1”. ALL Big Canoe Property owners should read it if you haven’t already. If you have, you might want to read it again as a refresher to what comes next..
Article #2 is Ms Cross’ just released followup to Article #1, aptly entitled, “Connect the dots – part 2…“. I will poke a little humorous fun here, and say that no one has ever accused Ms Cross of creative titlement. LOL. But considering the somber subject matter of community finances, perhaps her simple, factual, well referenced, and concise approach is a good thing… especially since there is already plenty of “Creative Accounting” being generated by the Big Canoe POA Board, Management, and Finance Committee.
These two articles mark the end of the financial articles “exclusive to Big Canoe”. This next is of a broader nature applying to all persons, regardless of where they live, including Big Canoe.
This “3rd Article” starts here. It really isn’t so much of an article, as an update & announcement.
FOBC Newspaper is a division of The Mountains Voice. Another offshoot of TMV is the Public News and Awareness Project, BitcoinIsComing.com (“BIC”). Originally launched in 2017, the BIC project featured Billboards, Newspaper Ads, Yardsigns, Flyers, Social Media Advertising, Cards, even Bumper stickers. Here are some representative pictures from the 2017 Campaign, of a Newspaper Ad; one of several Billboards; and a Yardsign. 10’s of thousands of dollars were spent, mostly out of some spare change profit that early 2013 – 2015 Bitcoin Investments had already made.
Why was it done? Well, that message really hasn’t changed, even though the “Product” has. The BIC project has relaunched in 2023 as the BitcoinSvIsComing.com (“BSVIC”) campaign. We’re just now rolling out similar advertising as last time. Much of the focus will still be on educating average North Georgia Residents of the substantial underlying changes to the U.S. and Global financial networks that are underway.
What is BitcoinSV (“BSV”), and how is it different from Bitcoin (“BTC”)? There are a couple of Articles at our site that provide good thought comparisons: #1 – “BTC is AOL“; and #2 – “BSV is the Real Thing“. The short answer is that BSV is the Bitcoin that works. BTC is the Bitcoin that is a speculative dumpster fire – but BTC is also the one that everyone knows about, and that has the super high valuation/price. BSV is under $50 – LOL. People laugh at me, but they laughed at me when I was mortgaging my house to get BTC back in 2015 also. Who’s laughing now? And FYI… was selling out at over $60,000 / BTC.
If BTC is a “speculative dumpster fire”, then why did you market it in the BIC campaign in 2017? Answer: because at the time it wasn’t. Shortly after our campaign launched, the “Development Team” of Bitcoin-BTC hijaked the technology protocol, and turned it into something that did NOT functionally work anymore – but that could be marketed through FEAR as a Safe Haven Digital Gold during the weird financial times we are in. I think if you read the two articles above, you will get the important points. (i.e… #1 – “BTC is AOL“; and #2 – “BSV is the Real Thing“)
Why have you switched to BSV, and why are you doing this Article?
- (A) BSV Works. It is functional, and it is most likely to become the Baselayer Blockchain that the majority of the world develops its Digital Currencies on. It is being heavily price suppressed and manipulated by Banks, Crypto Exchanges, and Governments across the world. partly out of fear, partly to slow it down so they can prepare to integrate it, partly to keep it out of the hands of the masses of average people. Average people know NOTHING about BitcoinSv, but those in power know everything about it. Banks and the Major Card Companies are terrified of it.
- (B) Because the BIC campaign got a LOT of people into Bitcoin-BTC, we feel there is a moral responsibility to publicly alert people of recent funamental changes to the technologies. ALL our BTC has now been sold off, and the vast majority reinvested into BSV. I have over the past year run into so many people that when they found out who I was – they started energetically thanking me for exposing them to Bitcoin. Some have sold off some, often quoting investments starting at $1000 – $3000 per Bitcoin, and selling at $30,000 – 60,000 per Bitcoin (making HUGE profits). But some have not sold, or have expanded into other soon to fail crypto projects. This new website is partly for them, and is the assuagement of my responsibility to share my current opinion on things, so that people already in Cryptocurrency (ANY of it, ANY coin) can begin the education process of where this is going next.
- * Disclaimers: (a) Cardano and IOTA are the only 2 other projects that a stake is still held in, based on aspects of the technology, leadership, and actual use cases being implemented. These coins are interesting, professionally developed, but hold distinct 2nd position in long term viability. (b) No position is provided on timing. The world is currently about to undergo a dramatic financial upheaval. The ONLY position of the BSVIC campaign is that in the mid/long term BSV wins the competition. We do not time investments. (c) None of this is financial advise. Due your own research. (d) DIVERSIFICATION is good. Using Rockwallet.com, the official wallet of the BSVIC Campaign, you can purchase BSV, or Swap BTC, ETH, XRP, USDC or other Cryptos into BSV as part of a diversification strategy. (e) don’t be overly greedy, and remember that old investing adage…. “pigs get fed, and hogs get slaughtered”.
I look at what is coming in the Financial Systems through a purely Darwinian “Financial Survival of Fittest” lens. You are being provided with knowledge, education, and a free will opportunity to act, or not act. If you make the right decisions, you can thank me later. If you make the wrong choices…. there are consequences. What is about to occur in the Financial World is going to be messy, scary, and of long duration. Preparing for what is coming goes far beyond acquiring a small stake in BitcoinSv.
So with that I am going to now shut up, and let people ignore this message, or start the education process. Your choice. I have fulfilled my duty to those of you in Big Canoe, and North GA and beyond, that may have followed the earlier Campaign, and been led to invest in Bitcoin-BTC, or other Cryptocurrencies.
Regardless, Bitcoin Sv IS Coming.
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
BitcoinSv Is Coming
* publications of The Mountains Voice
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