A few years back I started reporting on issues the Big Canoe POA Board was engaged in. Initially I was focused on the POA Board’s genius idea to spend $13.4 Million Dollars on reinventing the Internet in Big Canoe. We were told it was a MUST HAVE! Big Canoe property values would crash and burn if we didn’t do this – and yet despite their failure to spend our monies on another mind boggling must-have project – Big Canoe once against survived their stupidity.
Consequently, I got banned from the largest Facebook Group in Big Canoe for daring to put information out that was not “approved”. The next largest group, “Neighbor to Neighbor” soon followed suit as I started posting information on the Land Deal. Banned!
That only left a Facebook Group run by a woman named Rachael, “BC Issues and Concerns”. Rachael started catching heat from the other Admins on the other groups for allowing me to post. At the time I was catching it on all sides – the lies and hate and smear campaigns flying a mile a minute. Basically standard operating procedure for how to deal with someone in Big Canoe that doesn’t toe-the-line, and dares to speak up and question the powers that be for thinking of ways to waste our money, and increase our fees.
One day, in a rare truthful admission, I made a statement that has since been construed as many things, but not the one thing that it was. I have the full transcript of what I said, including an explanatory portion that Rachael Christian Goodman conveniently deleted, and did NOT include in circulated copies.
Below is an excerpt of the part that started the entire “Terror Narrative” that the POA Board (and others) watered, and cultivated, and grew into an evil tree.
I now have a Project and it is Big Canoe. And I have a warning again – for what is coming, and it will dwarf that day on 9/11 as if it were almost an inconsequential and trivial event, and it will dwarf that minor recession in 2008 as if that were the best of times.
And here is the part that this woman Rachael deleted, and then allowed the rest to be circulated, without this little bit of explanation…..
David Hopkins PS…. to clarify… my Warning” is a global warning – not specific to Big Canoe. I even have a website which references the general nature of the first wave of the threat…
Everyone has seen my small billboard at the end of Steve Tate, and I have had larger ones at various places, and I have put thousands of dollars into marketing the message in various Internet venues – and the message is simple – the Beast of the Apocalypse is coming. Many Heads (quantum servers) that control a neural network (5G Phones and computers) that stretches aross the world, guided and evolving according to IT’s Blockchain DNA. And IT’s physical body will be found in every single electronic and robotic device connected to the Internet – on the entire planet. And in an instant IT will know everything that the collective libraries of mankind contain within the archives of the “cloud”, and IT will control knowledge, and control access to knowledge. And IT will control mankind’s monetary systems, communications networks, transportation and utility grids, military technology, and in many cases IT will control mankind, quite literally. It is no secret that many of the world’s largest technology budgets are being used to evolve “Bio-Tech Engineering”. “…iron mixed with clay, they will mingle with the seed of men…”
Artificial Intelligence. THAT is the threat. THAT is what I was talking about. Rachael was crystal clear on that, and so was everyone else that read it at the time. But that explanatory bit was intentionally deleted, and then the remaining bit circulated with attached “explantions” that David had made terror threats. They even started adding “against the Board”. It makes it a lot easier to smear a person if you intentionally take them out of context, and only tell half the story.
People can ignore the warning. They can ignore the fact that MANY of the world’s smartest minds have warned of the dangers of A.I. But they can’t ignore the fact that nothing I wrote can be remotely construed as a “Terror Threat” against the Community and the Board. Indeed, my sole goal in regards to Big Canoe is to get it ready for what is coming.
Because I will admit to one thing… that there is going to be a terror attack. I had a Vision of it, and of the Beast. It was very similar to the Vision I had of 9/11 before it happened. I spent 10’s of thousands of dollars warning of that coming event. In the latest Vision I am shown a city utterly destroyed by fire. A nuclear blast is the only explanation for what I saw. And in the immediate aftermath of that destruction… the Beast arose. Or, to put it in a more comprehensible way…. Artificial Intelligence “wakes up”. There is even a biblical verse of prophecy for what I saw, and the aftermath that comes….
“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains………… For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
And that is how bad what is coming will be, and that is what people are not prepared for. As it stands now, if I didn’t have faith in the God who sent me, I would not believe it possible to even save a remnant of humanity from what even now stands at the door, ready to enter into this world. And I don’t have any Messiah Complex. I’m just a prophet who has seen the “belly of the whale” so to speak, and am more afraid of not saying and doing what I have been told I must, than I am of the cruelties and evils of foolish men and women.
Jerusalem is the City.
– david / publisher
This is part Three of “Taking Back My Reputation”. Next up is “Big Canoe: Resurrecting the Zombie Christ”.
PS… You still may ask, why is Big Canoe a part of any of this. Simple, because God chose these Mountains to be a focus of gathering in a world about to be consumed in darkness. The World is going to need a guiding light. It is time to light the fire.
PPS… don’t confuse the place with the people. God can raise up and gather new people.
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