FOBC has reliable sources that are saying that Clubhouse Management recently discovered HUGE unexplained Inventory Losses exceeding $100,000+ in foods, liquors, wines, etc. If true, this has NOT been reported to the Community. The purpose of this article is to publicly ask some questions of the POA Board, and perhaps more specifically, of our GM Scott Auer.
So here goes:
#1 Is this true?
#2 During what time period did this take place?
#3 When and how was it discovered?
#4 Have these losses already been reflected in our financials, and if so, where and when?
#5 Do we know Where the Missing Inventory went, or Who is responsible?
#6 Has there been an Investigation to see who is responsible?
#7 Have polygraphs been issued to Employees? As a person with over a decade in the restaurant business when younger, I can say with certainty that normal restaurants will polygraph the employees for MUCH less than the reported $100K+ that sources are reporting missing. I remember once when a few thousand dollars in beer was missing, and everybody got polygraphed. Repeating, #6 again…. Have we done ANYTHING to investigate who is responsible?
#8 If this is indeed true, when were you (Scott Auer and the POA Board) planning on telling the community? Why is this information only being provided to the community because someone felt it important enough to leak it out through the FOBC Newspaper?
#9 This is a Big One… how many other Inventory Reports are showing losses? Is this a routine and normal thing? To put this in perspective, Food & Beverage routinely LOSES almost 3/4 of a $Million Dollar$ per year…. is this one of the reasons, that we have no financial and inventory accountability from management?
Again, this is possibly just another example of the Community having NO Transparency into what is going on in our own community. The unacceptability of how this Community is being managed is just mind boggling, and this is another perfect example of why the Property Owners should start exploring litigation to get access to the detailed and full accounting records.
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* publications of The Mountains Voice
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