Big Canoe Governance

Big Canoe: Overview of the Proposed Changes To By-Laws

As publisher of the FOBC Newspaper, I have not only lived in Big Canoe for 22 years, but I am also a rather rare property owner, one that has actually read (and understands) the thousands of pages of governing documents & deeds that legally define the community of Big Canoe.  This sometimes gives me a rather unique perspective, and I am going to share some points before this upcoming vote. […]


UPDATE IN CASE: Big Canoe Realtor Charged with Molestation of 10 Year Old Girl

Ex-Big Canoe Realtor Walt Devault, unexplicably let out on unsupervised Bond for 3 counts of Child Molestation involving a 10 year old girl, has just had a Motion filed to Revoke his Bond for having interactions with 4 young girls at his new residence in S.C. No word on whether sexual misconduct was involved, however Mr Devault was “babysitting” the four girls, ages six (6). eight (8), ten ( 10) and eleven (11). Three Words: Unaccountable Justice System. […]

Union County

Union County / Lamar Paris (Archived News Reports & Complaints)

Many years ago I was led to run some investigations in Union County. Initially they were focused on United Community Bank. Ultimately this led to their political puppet, Sole Commissioner Lamar Paris. For several years I investigated this man, and the local financial network that drives regional development. The culmination was a long hard fight in which citizens defeated TSPLOST, and voted to protect their way of life in these mountains. Citizens loudly said NO to transportation expansions, and higher density development. Lamar Paris is once again pushing TSPLOST, so I am re-releasing some old Reports to remind voters of who this man really is, and how he blatantly ignores legal process in pushing his hidden agendas…. […]

Financial Series

Big Canoe: Board Explanations “Jump the Shark” as Financial Manipulation Continues

The Big Canoe POA Board’s creative explanations for the ongoing financial and infrastructure train wreck within the community may have just “Jumped the Shark”. The level of information manipulation has reached a level of ridiculousness that points to the possibility that the end may be near. This lengthy article will address several issues, including Responding to recent unfounded Personal Attacks on Patricia Cross (and FOBC) from Amy Tropfenbaum and the Board. […]

Financial Series

Big Canoe Reserve Fund Missing $1 Million Dollars

Big Canoe’s Financial Blogger, Patricia Cross, has just run 2 back-to-back stories detailing missing money.  Her latest article published June 3, 2021 entitled “Ask The Board” is a review of the just released 2021 Capital Reserve Fund Study.  A cool $1 Million Dollars just went “Poof” from the books…. […]


Big Canoe Lake Disharoon: More Hidden Information Surfaces

While an update article highliting the increasing severity of the threat looming at Lake Petit is still being prepared, one recently received internal email document regarding Lake Disharoon really stood out, and is now being released publicly. It contains information not previously shared with Big Canoe Property Owners by Management. […]