Citizen Journalists

“With red flags waving …” a Financial Insights Article By Patricia Cross (

Ms Cross’ most recent article “With red flags waving …” is out on her website. It might be her longest yet, but I found myself reading section after section with increasing interest.  A Financial Storm is brewing in Big Canoe, and the title of Ms Cross article this time couldn’t be more appropriate. I think all Big Canoe residents with functioning brains will sit up straight with attention as they read this article.  […]


Big Canoe POA President Amy Tropfenbaum’s Conflict of Interest – Caught Again

Amy Tropfenbaum is at it again.  Back in April of 2022 FOBC ran an article regarding POA President Amy Tropfenbaum’s “Unreported Conflict of Interest” regarding the Chimney’s remodel.  Amy’s conflict this time is an almost identical issue, involving enormous expenses involved in redesigning the Creek 9 Covered Bridge that sits along Amy’s property line; part of her “scenic view” of Lake Sconti.  In a split board decision – she cast the approving vote. […]


FOBC Rebuttal: G.M. Scott Auer vs. the Truth

FOBC recently presented our 16th Article on Lake Petit Dam. It contained recently updated analysis & information on the ongoing Repair and Legal Compliance process that has been underway since 1997. Scott Auer didn’t like our article, vowed that “He will Always Tell the Truth”, and then proceeded to tell more verifiable lies. […]


MAJOR UPDATE: Big Canoe Lake Petit Dam

FOBC gets most of its information on Lake Petit Dam from Georgia Open Records Requests (GORA).  Property Owners get most of their information from Scott Auer and the Big Canoe Board of Directors, who get their information from our current Engineer, Goesyntec. What I am about to announce is Very Bad News.  […]