
Big Canoe POA Unilaterally Explores Changing Community Name!

I just received my “POA Eblast” regarding the Trademark issues, and am once again just confounded with the clueless POA leadership that this Community has. I can’t believe we are seriously still dealing with the Trademark issue, or that the concept of us changing our Community Name (a 50+ year recognizable real estate brand that helps to uphold our property values!) is being openly discussed in serious fashion. […]


Big Canoe Lawsuit Served On GM Scott Auer / POA

A lawsuit was just filed against the Big Canoe POA that seeks Declaratory Judgment, Injunction, Damages, Allegation of Fraud, and Attorneys Fees in the way they have handled Architectural Controls Violations.  General Manager Scott Auer was served a copy of the lawsuit late last week. Link to lawsuit in article… […]