This is an article that I’ve thought about writing for years. I start it, then stop, never finish. The Los Angeles Fires put it back on the front burner (no pun intended).
What has bothered me for many years is the vast areas in Big Canoe, GA of dense underbrush, often containing dry and dead brush, small pines etc. The stretch of road from the Cove Road roundabout down Steve Tate Hwy past Afton Rd is just horrible in many places. There are also areas in Wildcat that are fire disasters waiting to happen. There are lots of little areas that it would take nothing but a randomly thrown cigarrette to start a community ending wildfire… and yes, I am talking about something resembling what we see in L.A. right now, where people have suddenly lost everything, including pets and people in some cases.
The 14 acres of POA Owned land stretching along Steve Tate, next to North Gate, and across from Wildcat Park absolutely is an area just screaming to be cleared of dead and dry underbrush. I brought it up to one of my insider sources in the POA, very close to the top. I actually floated the idea of trying to “play nice” with leadership for once… work WITH them to put out an article that didn’t just attack their incompetence, but worked to jointly identify a problem, and float solutions to the community. MY SOURCE COULDN’T STOP LAUGHING.
After the laughter subsided I was informed very clearly, and somberly, that I would hit a brick wall for one reason… there was ZERO money in the budget for ANYTHING new for many years to come. We were fully locked into debt, and struggling just to maintain the budget responsibilities we already had.
The L.A. fires have shined a light on many similarities we see here in Big Canoe, GA. Leadership has mismanaged our finances leaving us ill prepared to deal with any new emergencies or needed projects. Leadership has failed to put in place any plan to identify any potential hotspot areas (those areas that really need some attention from a highest fire risk perspective).
Leadership has even ignored the free stuff… like allowing metal roofs, or loosening restrictions for trees close to homes. Why on earth wouldn’t we allow metal roofs (which come in a multitude of colors, and have double the lifespan) instead of petroleum based shingle roofs? Wayne Huey had a good article on this. It did nothing to persuade leadership.
Couldn’t we at least do a low cost approach by rallying volunteers, or the trails committee, and just providing tools or chippers as support? Wouldn’t cost much. One BIG Thing that would help is simply to IDENTIFY the areas that need cleaning, and establish a priority system.
Scott Auer has long said (usually when mocking articles about Lake Petit Dam) that the thing that really worries him, that keeps him up late at night… is Fire.
So what have you done Scott Auer? Let me answer… effectively nothing.
Just as the L.A. Mayor was warned for years, just as the CA Governor for years implemented stupid policies, just as budget monies were wasted and aimed at STUPID things… Big Canoe Leadership has acted similarly.
The problem is that talk is cheap. If you want to do something, you find a way. I will also name another guy that has turned into a disaster… POA President Terry. He’s like a cowboy that’s all hat.
I will believe something will get done… when I see something getting done. That’s my two cents.
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* publications of The Mountains Voice
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