This is a 3 part public report, that will be copied to Ga Safe Dams Officials (and Superiors including DNR, EPD & Governors Office). State Officials and all Engineering firms involved in any reviews of this situation, are encouraged to review the Youtube Video link below, which provides evidence of a potentially compromised LLO Pipe.
Part 1: Lower Level Outlet (“LLO”) pipe
Sources indicate that the Big Canoe POA (and their Engineer of Record, Geosyntec) are poised to seek a variance for the Lake Petit Dam. Details are a bit foggy, but the gist appears to be that the BC POA is seeking to lower the legal requirements for drawing down the lake in the event of an emergency. The reason appears to be so that they can float a plan for creating a secondary siphon system to replace the use of the existing 800+’ long LLO pipe. The secondary system would be very expensive if it had to meet legal guidelines, possibly prohibitively so – ergo the variance. The problem with this plan is that it does not address the existing LLO, which appears to have been compromised. The camera inspections for that pipe are guarded like Fort Knox, probably because if publicly released, GA Safe Dams would have no choice but to deal with the issue. Following is a Video I recently made of the LLO Outfall, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE8fhwrtPgo . It is self explanatory, and provides strong argument for why the LLO pipe is compromised. Sooner or later they are going to have to deal wth it, and the only way any professional I have talked to has suggested… is to dig up the dam and rebuild. Issuing a variance for a completely new (and very expensive) siphon system project, without a clear understanding of what is happening with the existing LLO Pipe, and a plan in place for how to deal with that issue first… is IRRESPONSIBLE, and potentially ILLEGAL.
Part 2: Seismic and Stability Review Update
Ga Safe Dams recently put out Bids to 3 Engineering Firms to review Geosyntec’s Stability Analysis. The contract was awarded to Schnabel Engineering, that also reviewed Geosyntec’s Analysis over 20 years ago, and which was never accepted back then. I am attaching a copy of the Schnabel Engineering Proposal & RFQ Bid Response, and the subsequent Schnabel Engineering Contract, and also a copy of the Geosyntec Stability Analysis (109 pages) that Schnabel will be reviewing. Schnabel has contracted to have it’s review completed by December 31, 2023. Then Ga Safe Dams will take more time to issue their final decision. Already they have raised serious questions about the Geosyntec Stability Analysis, and these still have to be addressed. One issue specifically (see question A-4) is that Geosyntec did not submit any boring samples from the center area of the Dam – which is the very area we are seeing seepage in! How do you establish stability, without actual testing??? Geosyntec is disgracefully bleeding Big Canoe of money as they drag this out over the decades. This is one of the reasons I see little hope for any honest review resulting in a passing grade…. and to be clear… the Dam MUST get a passing grade to avoid a rebuild.
Side Note: Information is updated as it comes in at our main historical dcument site, https://lakepetitdam.com/
Part 3: Expenses on the Dam.
It looks like the POA has spent approximately $2.1 million on Lake Petit dam since 2020. Here is a breakdown that was taken directly from POA Financials. Obviously, given the disarray of the POA Financial Reporting, there is no guarantee that these numbers show the full extent of current spending.
* Info in the September 2023 Capital Plan totaling $839,994
* 2022 4th Quarter Capital totaling $918,260
* 2021 4th Quarter Capital Plan totaling $327,380
* 2020 Capital Plan totaling $ 25,547
Just to break this down, the above is primarily for the following: (1) All that RipRap (giant rock) that is on the edge of the lake; (2) Minor repairs and grouting to the Spillway; (3) the “Gravel Bandaid” on the downstream face of the dam that was to stop a leak that had happened on the face of the dam; (4) the LLO Test (that FAILED) and involved a $500K Plug Installation etc; and (5) God knows how much in Fees to our illustrious Engineers at Geosytnec, whose sole job appears to be coming up with creative ways to stall fixing the dam for as long as possible.
NOW HERE IS THE POINT I WANT TO MAKE ABOUT THE ABOVE EXPENDITURES… We are currently undergoing a Seismic and Stability Review of the Dam (also done previously by Geosyntec, and that failed to pass 25+ years ago), and has already been called out for not using current data! There are so many eyeballs on this now, if we fail the Stability Review this time, I believe there will be NO OPTION but to rebuild the Dam. Same goes for a situation in which it is clearly determined that the LLO Pipe is compromised.
IF WE HAVE TO REBUILD…. ALL OF THE MONIES SPENT SO FAR HAVE BEEN WASTED. This is the most expensive stalling tactic I have ever seen. We are WASTING money when it could be being applied to an actual final solution.
That’s my update: No good news, just more stalling, and still no real transparency from the POA on what the ultimate costs to finalize this will be. In the meantime they are spending that $15 Million Dollar line of credit as fast as they can!
This is a disgrace that demands a Forensic Audit of the Big Canoe Community Books, and perhaps a legal investigation by the EPD/DNR into the relationship between GSD Director David Griffin, Geosyntec, and the Big Canoe GM & POA Board.
– david / publisher / property owner
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* publications of The Mountains Voice
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