FOBC has activated a Website Domain, https://BigCanoeWater.org, which will be used to host historical documents relevant to the Big Canoe Water and Sewer System. Ongoing Water Quality Reports may be hosted in the future as well. FOBC has slowly been accumulating documents over the years, and has rescanned some of them using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for easier search and copy functionality.
There is much misinformation and confusion within the community of Big Canoe (and in surrounding community) regarding the BC Water & Sewer system (historical legal documents, plats, easements, deeds, permits, permit requirements, water quality testing and requirements, layout of the physical infrasructure, and of course…. expansion plans, possibilities, obstacles and considerations). This new website will serve as a central document and information hub from which news reports and educational articles can link back to, and which property owners and regional residents can look to for factual information – and can keep updated on regarding the coming Federal and State “3-Letter” Agency Investigations that are about to be triggered.
FOBC is concurrently launching a broad Open Records Request Project, in which we will seek County, State and Federal data concerning the System(s). If any individuals have historical documents that they feel would add to the goal of understanding the history of the Big Canoe Water and Sewer System, please reach out to TheMtnsVoice@aol.com, or simply send the documents (articles, water quality reports etc).
I will conclude this “Part 2” Article with a Teaser:
In 2016 & 2018 the Big Canoe POA sold the community down the creek so to speak. They betrayed the community, and gave away much of the authority and control we had over the future of our water supply and autonomy. They opened us up to serious future problems, and now some of those problems are rearing their heads…. rapidly increasing Rates being one. Loss of control over Expansion issues being another.
But all is not lost! FOBC is about to release information that will change everything, and will hand back to the Property Owners a “Giant Stick” with which to defend themselves against unwanted expansion, and out-of-control rate increases. What is yet to be seen is whether or not the Property Owners will act…. or whether they will be lulled into a false sense of security by all the sudden and false reporting.
THIS IS HOW IT WORKS: The Investigation has begun. Look for our soon to be released 3rd Article in the Series. Facts about the Water & Sewer System are coming. Shocking and surprising Facts. In many cases – very uncomfortable and disturbing Facts. Facts that will be bringing in Federal and State Regulatory Agencies. These Facts – you won’t be getting them from the POA, the General Manager, or the Smoke Signals. And this is as Big, or Bigger than the Lake Petit Dam issue, which also has some Breaking News coming soon. How it works… is that “The Consequences Of Non-Transparency (Pt 3)” are set in motion, and are coming to Big Canoe, GA.
This Article Shareable Online at our FOBC Public News Group:
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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