This Newspaper predicted a worst case, “Spring Tsunami” scenario coming back in our January 15 2021 Article “WUHAN: On Vaccines and Mutation Strains (Pt 7)“. In our very recent March 11 Article, “WUHAN: Public Letter of Warning From a Global Healthcare Professional (Pt 8)“, we broke the story of one of the world’s preeminent Vaccine Professionals also making similar claims of impending disaster. Both this Newspaper’s Research Article, and the Professional’s warning were based around the New Mutant Covid Strains, and their interaction with the mass vaccine campaigns going on.
It is very possible that we are now seeing the Scientific Evidence that the scenario is actually beginning. We look to the U.S. State of Florida for the early warning signs. As of the writing of this article, we look back five days to March 8, 2021.
It was on that date that Florida New Case Counts bottomed out from the Winter Wave. New Case Counts on March 8th hit a at a bottom level of 3,312 new cases per day, the lowest number seen for 5 months. Not since October 26, 2020 had the state seen daily new cases that low. Since that date, the trend has suddenly reversed, and daily cases are shooting up. Below are the last 5 days of numbers, which show a 57% increase of new daily cases over the last 5 days.
March 8 – 3,312 New Cases
March 9 – 4,426 New Cases
March 10 – 4,782 New Cases
March 11 – 5,065 New Cases
March 12 – 5,214 New Cases (a 57% increase in 5 days)
Now, we cannot interpret these numbers in a scientific vacuum, so following our earlier reporting hypothesis, we should look at whether the Mutant Variations of Wuhan-Cov (Covid-19) are actually showing up in Florida and therefor, according to the reporting hypothesis, could be an underlying cause of this sudden and rapid shift is occurring.
There are currently 3 Variants of Concern in the United States. These are currently being tracked by the CDC at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/transmission/variant-cases.html.
The three Variants of Concern are:
- B.1.1.7 (also known as the U.K. Strain)
- B.1.351 (also known as the S. African Strain)
- P1 (also known as the Brazilian Strain)
ALL of them have shown clear evidence of having escaped the Vaccine to some degree, the P1 Strain being the worst. ALL of them showing increased Spread, the P1 being the worst. ALL of them show increased Severity, P1 being the worst.
So are these new Mutant Strains now showing up in Florida? Yes they are, and in extremely high percentages to the rest of the country, which is perhaps why we are seeing Florida suddenly shifting direction, and new cases exploding upwards. Here are a couple of the Stats…
Florida has 19% of the Total Reported Cases of the U.K. Strain, out of the entire U.S.
Florida has 29% of the Total Reported Cases of the P1 Brazilian Strain, out of the entire U.S.
Is this significant? Is it by coincidence that Florida has shifted dramatically towards higher cases, as these new mutations take hold and spread in the state?
The next few weeks will tell. By that time we should not only have solid evidence of whether this upward shift in new case counts is sustained.
Witin a few weeks we will also have an even more important data point to look at…. Hospitalization & Death Rates.
It is important to note that Hospitalizations & Deaths are a lagging indicator from Case Counts (it takes people time to get sick enough to go to Hospital, and even longer for them to die).
It is important for people to understand the reporting Hypothesis that this Newspaper, and Global Vaccine Expert Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD have put out…. that not only will this be an increased wave of New Cases, but that the severity of disease will be MUCH WORSE, and that the disease will shift not only from attacking the weak and elderly, but also to younger generations /children as well.
The ongoing New Case data, and the data of Hospitalization & Death Rates in late March 2021 should provide a better idea of what is coming. Now more than ever it is imperative that Public Health Agencies increase the transparency of their reporting in regards to the Ages of cases. If the Pandemic starts targeting children and young, healthy adults…. this will change everything.
Now we wait and watch.
Clarification Note: the CDC Variant Reporting Page only shows variant cases that have been confirmed through genetic testing, which is a miniscule number compared to overall testing. These variants are seriously undercounted due to the fact that only a minutia of test results are actually ever then sent to the more extensive genetic testing. These numbers are simply “indicator numbers” of where these variants are popping up. The “real” statewide numbers are much higher. It is also highly probable that variant cases are already much more widespread across the U.S., but simply haven’t been picked up by early testing yet.
Additonal Data Point Note: Another State to watch is Michigan. It has the 2nd highest level of reported variant cases in the U.S. It bottomed out in late February, and is now also turning hard upward in New Cases, with an increase in New cases of 77% over the past 7 days. No other states have these combined spikes in both Variants and New Cases.
Be Prepared. A Spring Tsunami is Coming. With the worsening of the plague will come many additional and worsening consequences, in this 2nd year of the Tribulation.
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
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