For this Article we are going to compare “Pickup Beer Pricing” between: Big Canoe Clubhouse (BCC) Vs. The Foothills Market (IGA), but first I want to set the Idealogical Stage for why this is an important story.
On the backside of this Pandemic is going to come a very challenging financial period. Believe it or not, most Big Canoe Residents are not so loaded with cash that they can afford to waste it. Granted Big Canoe has some extremely wealthy residents, but the vast majority of property owners are traditional upper middle class that worked hard, saved wisely, and are now retired on fixed income, pensions and investments. For the most part those investments and savings have already gotten tighter, and most likely will continue to shrink as we now head into recession (or possibly something worse).
The Community Leadership needs to be running this community for EVERYONE – not just the elite, and not just to pad the pockets of the Developer. We cannot afford to continue operations under a business as usual approach, allowing our Profiteering Developer to manipulate our Board of Directors into directions that are not in the interest of the average Property Owner.
This Beer story may be a silly little example, but it is a real example, of how things are not being run in a manner that focuses on the best interests of the overall community – but rather on PROFITEERING. Considering that the Big Canoe POA is a NON-PROFIT charged with looking after the well being of the overall residents, I think that this story poses an excellent example question of “How does this Price Gouging of Residents in Times of a Pandemic benefit the Community?”
So to the comparison * ….
This is an Apples to Apples comparison. You can order online either way, and schedule pickup. And make no mistake, when looking at the Big Canoe Clubhouse (BCC) pricing, this is not “you are sitting at a fancy bar with a view” beer pricing. This is “you drive to pickup” beer pricing, just like you do at the IGA Foothills Market.
Sweetwater 420 Pale Ale ~ * Costs 267% at BCC!
$24 per 6 pack (BCC) vs. $8.98 per 6 Pack (IGA)
Yuengling Lager ~ * Costs 215% at BCC!
$15 per 6 pack (BCC) vs. $6.98 per 6 Pack (IGA)
16oz Miller Lite ~ * Costs 308% at BCC!
$20 per 6 pack (BCC) vs. $6.48 per 6 Pack (IGA)
Stella Beer ~ * Costs 200% at BCC!
$20 per 6 pack (BCC) vs. $9.98 per 6 Pack (IGA)
Bud Light ~ * Costs 300% at BCC!
$18 per 6 pack (BCC) vs. $5.98 per 6 Pack (IGA)
* Prices listed were correct and valid at date of publication.
I LOVE the IGA and suggest everyone support them – because they are supporting the Community, and are not engaging in Price Gouging of Residents during these troubled times.
Please remember that the IGA offers online ordering and curbside pickup. I am told they are backed up, so be patient, and kind, and don’t wait till the last minute to prepare your order. Check out the IGA Beer Selection Online (Wider Selection and Much Cheaper than Big Canoe Clubhouse):
The Awesome and Reasonable IGA Beer Selection
VS. The Failing and Overpriced Big Canoe Clubhouse Beer Selection
https://www.bigcanoepoa.org/files/Beer_Wine_Menu.pdf *
Part 2 of the Story:
As usual, the Big Canoe POA & Management appears to only be looking out for the Developer’s Profit, not the Property Owners best interests – possibly padding the Developer’s pockets via the Highly Secretive 1987 “Food and Beverages Service Agreement” between the POA and the Developer.
I did an in-depth story on the above “Secret Agreement” almost a year ago. The Board refused to comment or acknowledge the existence, or non-existence, of the Agreement. Same old, same old. A sneaky profiteering Developer and a Board of Directors that covers for them, and a community that always refuses to go the extra mile to DEMAND access to the Supply Contracts and Financial Details.
For God’s Sakes People – we lost $775,000 last year under the leadership of the previous Developer Puppet GM – and $625,727 the year before that. Now they have installed another Management Team with decades of history links to the South Carolina “Greenwood Development” mob that calls itself our current Developer. Until this community demands the Line Item Financial Details of the last few years of Accounting Records, and demands to see the Supply Contracts, and demands to know if the 1987 “Food and Beverages Service Agreement” is actively in force, and what supply contracts we currently have with subsidiaries of the Developer – we will continue to have our profits funneled into other pockets, and see them turn into Huge Losses. And they just keep distracting the community with a game of Musical Chairs – every time the music looks like it is going to stop, they pull another General Manager out from under you, and through sleight of hand install another one – as much under their control as the previous. And the residents keep buying it.
The world is about to exit a Global Pandemic Nightmare – but it will only be exchanging that for an even worse Global Financial Nightmare. I watched Big Canoe property owners, many of them very good people, get slaughtered in the 2009 Foreclosure mess here. Big Canoe turned into a ghost town. Rentals died. Support businesses and eateries closed up.
Our POA President back then, a guy named Bob Crouch, had just squandered $500,000 to pay the developer for 3 acres of land, that he then granted a “no cost” roadway easement back to the Developer. That was part of the Clubhouse Remodel Plan that said gentleman helped ram through. I believe that we ended up about 250% over budget if I am not mistaken. That same Bob Crouch is now reaching for the community wallet once again (again, also as we head into an economic downturn) seeking Million$ more for Golf Improvements, AND he hasn’t given up on getting some sort of Sales Tax on Properties either – which will prove ruinous to any property owner’s trying to sell.
Bob Crouch is the big gun, the secret weapon, that the Developer pulls out when he needs to push things through. Bob was involved in the Developer Land Deal. Bob was also the guy doing much of the heavy lifting trying to push through the Internet Task Force Deal. Remember that one? $11 Million Dollars that just had to be spent, or the community would wither and fade away? Turns out that was just a bunch of scary rhetoric.
Lots of the old timers in Big Canoe could see the writing on the wall when Bob threw his name in the ring for POA Director. And Bingo – instantly he was in at the President’s seat. You just keep watching ole Bob…. the man will be laser focused on the Golf and Clubhouse, because those are the profit links to the developer. Bob is the antithesis of Robin Hood. He takes from the peaceful Woodland Residents – and gives to the Developer in his Castle. No reason to be surprised…. it has been going on right under your noses for decades.
We need to get rid of the Developer, and that starts by finding out what the long time ties are, what hidden contracts are being exercised, etc. And we need a POA Board that steps up to the plate with REAL Transparency. Time to open the books and supply chain contracts. We need to know where the losses are going at the clubhouse.
Get prepared. Wuhan is just a warning for worse to come.
– david / publisher
Focus on Big Canoe, GA
* a publication of The Mountains Voice
PS… for those of you tuning in from the world outside of Big Canoe, remember, Big Canoe is just a focal point… a parable chosen to represent events in the larger world. Look around and open your eyes. It is all about to crumble. Those who hold your fate, your leaders that are supposed to be watching out for you…. they will fail you in troubled times, and will only lead you farther down the path into the dry place, with hints and promises of better times. Better times that will not come. Prepare yourselves for a different path.