My name is David Hopkins. I originally moved to Big Canoe in 1999. I am a Property Owner. I have immediate and extended family which also lives within the community. In 2018 I launched a Newspaper in the community. Until this time, Big Canoe had never had a true investigative newspaper that looked closely at the actions of the Developer, Big Canoe Company. I began to investigate and report on the 2016 Big Canoe Land Deal. Immediately I began to receive serious pushback from within wide swaths of the established “Insider Network”. Over the past year several vicious defamation campaigns against me have been launched. At the present time I have moved my immediate family from within the community due to safety concerns.
Last week, on November 9, 2019, I began the process of fighting back. I have launched the first of what I expect will be multiple lawsuits against individuals for malicious defamation and other damages. I am also ramping up efforts to attempt to get the issues of the 2016 Land Deal finally into the legal arena where it belongs. For approximately 15 months I have attempted to obtain information through data collection, and records requests. I now feel that I have gone as far as I can. I will be releasing my detailed findings in the coming days and weeks, and I believe it will show clear and compelling evidence of issues that competent Property owners will recognize as serious, and deserving of immediate attention.
This is the Public Notification Page for the Legal Action between myself, David Hopkins (Focus on Big Canoe Newspaper Publisher) and Stacey A., (Big Canoe Resident & Property Owner), filed as Case No. 2019-CV-0505, filed in Dawson County GA Superior Court. I cannot stress how sad I am that it has come to this, but my recent review of the August 15 2019 Videotaped Board Work Session has alerted me to just how dangerous, and pervasive, this community wide defamation campaign has become. Persons that feel that they may have gotten caught up in the malicious and defamatory gossip being spread about myself, David Hopkins, in the community are welcome to contact me to discuss how we can correct the damages to my reputation in a way that can benefit ALL parties, myself included, without the unpleasant experience of litigation. I would suggest a review of EXHIBIT D linked below for an idea of what I am primarily looking for, and how I gave Mrs. Stacey A. one final opportunity to do the right thing. Everyone’s situation is different, and the degrees of involvement differ. I have no desire to file legal actions, nor to publicly embarrass persons. But my family has suffered things beyond imagination due to the actions of people in this community over the past year. I want my reputation back, which has been so maliciously taken away from me by a community that has spread defamatory gossip, and acted with malicious and reckless disregard for the statement’s truth or falsity that they were spreading, and have exhibited an utter lack of concern for my safety, reputation, and well being, and for that of my family. Again, I want my reputation back that has been so maliciously taken from me. I am NO terrorist, have made NO terroristic threats against anyone, and the only thing I am a threat to is those seeking to cover up the truth involved in the 2016 Land Deal, and that only in legal, non-violent terms. My contact information is at the bottom of this article. Below are the filings in this initial case to regain my reputation…..
The Newest Information, or Court Filings, will always be at the TOP, so that people can quickly tell if anything has changed.
(2019-11-08) Initially Filed Documents In Dawson Case 2019-CV-0505 (Hopkins v Stacey A.):
- Original Complaint in DavidH vs StaceyA (7 Pgs)
- Certificate of Service (1 Pg)
- Verification of Filings and Exhibits (2 Pgs)
- EXHIBIT A – Defendant’s Libel (1 Pgs)
- EXHIBIT B – Plaintiff’s Retraction Demand To Defendant (7 Pgs)
- EXHIBIT C – Plaintiff’s Final Retraction Demand To Defendant (3 Pgs)
- EXHIBIT D – Plaintiff’s Offer to Negotiate Made To Defendant’s Counsel Prior to Filing (3 Pgs)
- EXHIBIT E – August 15, 2019 Board Work Session Partial Transcript (2 Pgs)
There will be no extraneous commentary provided here beyond simple explanations, primarily of process and timeframe. For discussion on the case, people are welcome to visit our facebook group:
– david hopkins
706-265-0010 / themtnvoice@aol.com
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